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It has been a week since my encounter with Mr.Larx . I have to admit he has indeed spiked my interest to such an extent that I GOOGLED him ! I know I sound like a goddamn stalker now. I found out that he is the CEO of a family construction company which explains why he has reached such a high position in terms of his career at a young age . He grew up his whole life with wealth, lucky ass. He is too quite the ladies man which doesn't come as a surprise to me . It does disgust me though , according to GOOGLE at every event he attends he has a different date,what a man whore!

I am at work now and my shift is almost over in about 10 minutes . So I decided to gather my things and close up since I am the last one here.

Walking home I am feeling the same unwelcomed and uneasy feeling. On that thought I hurried home , I should be home soon now .

Turning around the corner.




A cloth is put over my mouth I try kicking and screaming but to no avail .

My world is suddenly filled with darkness .


Uhm where am I? Ag I have a headache . As the events of what happened replays in my mind , panic arises . I have been kidnapped! My eyes flare open, I take in my surroundings I am laying on a white bed in a large white room . I am in a night gown! Shit ! What happened? Besides the headache I feel okay .

" Hello is anyone here ? " I screamed in hopes of an answer.

I hear footsteps coming closer. Shit it stopped right outside the door of this room . I see the door knob turning.

I gasp.

Mr.Larx !

What the hell?

" Hello Alexandra " He spoke calmly.

" Wh.....wha. ...what's. ..go...going on? " I stuttered.

" Well I kidnapped you Alexandra " He said bluntly.

I gulped


He walks closer towards me . I move backwards because he is about to invade my personal space . He stops in his tracks.

" I am not going to hurt you Alexandra, I'd never do that. " He said matter of factly.

" Why did you kidnap me then ?" I asked , confused.

He sighed.

" I wanted to get to know you Alexandra " He said

I laughed at that statement .

" So you decided to kidnap me ! " I snapped.

" Well yes it was the only way to have you with me " He said.

" Ever heard of asking me? " I asked .

" You would never agree to spend the whole of your spring break with some stranger " He said .

" Of course not , are you out of your mind ? The whole spring break! You wacko ! you peanut! You idiot ! Y----ou-- yo---- You stupid potato ! . "

Out of all the things , he laughed at me . Freaking laughed at me ! By now the tears are coming out of his eyes .

I glared at him . Does he not understand how serious this is ?!

He now tried to regain his composure " Uhm sorry Alexandra, you just so funny and innocent "

" Funny? That was not even my intention! And innocent? I'm 19 years old how am I innocent? " I asked .

" Well you did call me a potato " He said.

I giggled that was funny.

He is now staring at me with a smile on his face .

" What? " I asked .

" You are so beautiful . I love the sound of your giggle . And I am amazed because despite the fact that you've been kidnapped you manage to giggle and not act like a drama queen as expected " He stated .

Did this man just say that I beautiful? I blushed at that.

" Thank you " I said.

" What for for kidnapping you?" He asked confused ... "Oh for saying that you are beautiful . Well Alexandra my dear you are, I am just stating fact " He said.

I blushed again . But now it's all sinking in I have been kidnapped . I frowned . How long have I been out?

" Uhm, how long have I been out? " I asked .

" You have been unconscious for two days Alexandra " He said.

What two days ? I need to get to work. What if Gia or my family called they must be worried.

" I need to get to work Mr. Larx "

" I have that covered for you . I called in and said that you went on a last minute vacation " He said.

I gaped.

" And what about my family and friends ?" I asked .

" From what I understand your friend is on vacation and as for your family they don't live here right? You might want to call them though to let them know that you are okay , your mother has been calling non stop " He said .

" Holy how did you know all that? "

" Same way I know your name. I did my research Alexandra . You are NYU most promising law student with universities still swamping at your feet . I don't know why you are at NYU though I would have guessed you to choose Harvard . You were born and raised in Brazil and moved here just about a year ago . As for your mother calling ? well I have your phone , you have 13 missed calls from your mother and 3 from someone named Gustavo " He said.

" Uhm okay why would I tell my mother that I am okay though , when you have kidnapped me ? " I asked .

" Because you are okay . I haven't hurt you and you wouldn't want your mother to worry unnecessarily Alexandra , now call your mother ." He said with authority .

After assuring my mother that I am okay . I gave my phone back to Mr.Larx .

" Oh wait could I have my phone to call Gustavo? "

" No ! " He growled

" Please I don't want him to worry? " I pleaded

His face hardened.

" Why? Is he your boyfriend ? " He asked.

" What? No? Gustavo is my work colleague and he is gay ."

He seemed relieved.

Oh okay then ...

He gave my phone. I called Gustavo and confirmed Mr.Larx ridiculous story of some ' last minute vacation '.

My headache returned.

" Do you have some advil? " I asked Mr.Larx.

" Oh yes , are you hungry ? You have a headache ? Do you want to eat ? What would you like? " He bombarded me with these questions .

" Er yes I am hungry . I do have a headache and I would like some pancakes if you have please " I said.

He smiled and said " Okay coming right up Alexandra. " and walked out of the room to the kitchen I suppose.

Is this even happening?


Jamie dornan is who I had in mind to be Mr.Larx there is a picture of him in the media bar . Who do you imagine Mr.Larx as?

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