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Ag my head is throbbing!

Why?  What happen--

Oh right . . . Club , dancing , drinking loads of it , James . .. The rest of the night is a complete blur.

I opened my eyelids and scanned my surroundings . I saw the familiar walls of my room . Well thank god I am not in some strangers room . I lifted my upper part of my body slowly careful not to antagonise my already throbbing headache .

I was now in a sitting position . I looked at the other half of my bed only to see that it was unusually neat it looked as if no one has slept on that side,  which is kind of surprising seeing that when I sleep I constantly move around,  resulting in my bed looking like a tornado has been hit.

It's seems as if my headache has intensified with all this thinking  . I looked to my right to see two advils and a glass of orange juice . Gia must have put it there . What a good and considerate friend I have.  With a smile on my face I swallowed the painkillers and drank the juice .

It was now that I noticed a letter beside the now empty glass. It read :

Good morning Alexandra .

I hope that you slept well and by now you probably have a headache . Drink up the advil and you would be okay . Sorry I couldn't stay I had a early meeting . Enjoy your day beautiful.


BL?  Who the hell is th--

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks

It was Brandon Larx .

What was he doing here?  Did something happen between us?  What happened? !

I inspected my body.  To see that I was not in the clothes I wore yesterday but instead wore a white T-shirt that smelt like Brandon.  Don't tell me we had sex?

I wanted my first time to be special and I definitely wanted to be sober .

I felt sick. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to look in the mirror.  Gee I look horrible . I got into the shower to save my appearance . Got out and wore a grey high waisted skinny  , a black long sleeved lace crop top and my white low cut converse . Simple but nice. For my hair I just towel dried it and put it into a high pony tail . No make up.

I was now sitting on my bed.  I don't know what to do. But I need to know what exactly happened between Brandon and I.  I could go to his office and ask him but was I ready to face him again ?

It's the only way to find out what happened.

Curse you Gia for making me go to the club and getting me drunk.  Now I have to face Brandon.

I headed out.  Gia was not at home probably at Marks place , again . I got into the cab and headed to Larx constructions.

After the 20 minutes drive I was outside the building . I got out of the cab and gasp at the sight . This building is freaking tall . Mostly made from glass and had men and woman all dressed in business suites . I instantly regretted going for the 'simple' look.

Self consciously I made my way inside the intimidating building . I went to the area which says reception . There I found a flawless blonde talking on the phone this gave me time to look at her carefully . Her blonde her was made into a neat bun . She had warm brown eyes and sharp features.  She was breathtaking.

" Hello,  how may I help you? " asked the blonde.

"Um I am her to see Brandon er Mr.Larx ."I said .

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