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Brandon is going to be home any minute now so I got to act fast . I am pacing back and forth in my ' room ' mentally going over my escape plan.

In about five minutes I need to go to the basement which I discovered while loitering around , in there , is a small window which I should fit through easily that serves as an escape root. Once I am out I am going to do what is should have done a long time ago


Time to implement escape plan.

I hurriedly made my way to the basement . I piled some crates making it easier to reach the window. Like I predicted I fit easily .

I landed perfectly on my feet , not bad Alex, not bad at all . I took in my newly found atmosphere , I was surrounded by nature , earthly green trees and brightly coloured flowers . I never appreciated nature more than I do now. This scene is more relaxing and it had me thinking

Thinking about Brandon.

I would never forget his perfect face and demeanour. His inviting laugh and his caring attitude he displayed at first. But our last encounter invaded those positive encounters and is replaced by his cold demeanour and sucky attitude .

Where would I go? Would he come to find me?

Nah I doubt so. I would just go home and continue my daily routine and act like non of this happened . Hopefully I would forget Brandon.

Enough thinking I got to run!

On that note I ran as fast as I could. After about 30 minutes of running I was surrounded by the familiar buildings and busy shops . I was in Madison Square that means that I am 15 minutes away from home , I quickened my pace.

I could see my apartment building but not before paranoia kicked in. I looked right and left to see if Brandon was following me but I didn't see or sense him . This is too good to be true . How could escaping be this easy? I'm sure he is home by now and noticed I was no longer there. Did he not go looking for me ? No , he didn't care.

On that thought the tears came splashing down my face . I quickly ran to my apartment and took the keys that is underneath the mat . I unlocked the door and ran to my bedroom .

I was now crying into my pillow which smelt awfully a lot like Brandon . Must be my imagination .

I heard the keys unlocking the front door .

Oh no .

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