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It has been a few hours since I spoke to Alexandra.

I had to figure out how to get Alexandra back . God romance was so hard. Even harder than running a company. I guess it is because I have absolutely no experience with being romantic .All I know is one night stands and not getting attached to anyone.

I want Alexandra I really do but to have her I'd have to open up, can I do that ? I really don't know. There is no denying that I have feelings for her I mean I did kidnap the girl . What a weird way of showing your feelings. My inner man spat out to me . Hey I did say I have no experience with this shit . Anyway where was I ? Yeah my feelings towards Alexandra . There is no denying that I have feelings for her but I have no idea the extent of it . Was it attraction ? Lust? Or love at first sight ?

I have no idea.

But right now I have to trust my intuition, and that is to have Alexandra by my side with me . What if she captures someone's interest? With all her beauty and personality it is possible. I could feel the anger boiling up inside me with that unwelcomed thought. No! That can and will not happen . Alexandra is mine .

But I wonder if Alexandra wants me as much as I want her? I am a broken person inside I have masked that well by excelling in the business world and putting up with the facade of being a happy rich bachelor and ruthless businessman . But inside? I was fucked up. And I wonder if Alexandra eventually finds out about my fuckupness would she be able to handle it ?

I hope so .

Right now I am on Google .

' How to be romantic '

Ah this is pathetic.

Results : take her on her date involving something close and personal apparently that would show that you listened to her and shows effort. Bring her flowers , for no reason at all . Says she's beautiful everytime you can, that won't be hard.

I can do this .

Romantic Brandon coming up.


I was waiting in the parking lot of NYU waiting for Alexandra . I thought I'd come and surprise her . Suprises are good right?

I could see her sapphire eyes smiling talking to a guy. God she is so beaut- wait hold up. . .' Smiling talking to a guy' what the fuck? I scanned the guy she was talking to. Ah he looked okay I suppose . I am much better looking of course . She never smiled that way with me , I want to be the reason for her smiling . The guy brushed her shoulder .

That's enough no one touches what's mine !

I went over and shoved the guy to the floor now pressing him to the hard wall . "You. Will. never. Lay. Your. Filthy . Hands .On . ALEXANDRA !

" Brandon what the hell are you doing! Get your hands off him right now or I swear to god I will never talk to you for the rest of the week !" Alexandra said.

Why was she getting all protective?

I frowned maybe this is her boyfriend ?

A whole week ? That's a bit drastic so I loosened by grip.

I heard the guy let out a deep breath.

What a pussy.

" Good. Now say you are sorry. "

What I ain't doing shit .

" I shall do no such thing the guy was feeling you up Alexandra!"

She laughed. And laughed. And laughed. Now crying and laughing.

Was she alright ?

Laughing diarrhoea I suppose .

Once she regained her composure .

She laughed again .

She cleared her throat .

" Sorry , Brandon this is Gustavo, he is gay remember. "

Gustavo. Gay ?. Whew thank god !

I turned to see a flustered Gustavo.

I gave him my hand and apologised.

But he kept staring at me . This is getting creepy .

" Alex ill see you tomorrow bye " Gustavo finally spoke and rushed off.

" Now that we are alone Alexandra and that misunderstanding has been cleared up I'd like to take you home " I said .

" I'll just take a walk. " she said .

Ah when is she going to understand that walking is not safe?

" No Alexandra you coming with me and that's final " I said .

She nodded and I led her to my car .

She gasped at the sight.

It was my baby . My bugatti veyron.

" Nice car "she commented.

"Thanks. Do you want one? " I asked .

" What ?! No of course not !" She said with disbelief written across her face .

" I thought you liked it " I said .

" That does not mean that I want one! " she exclaimed.

" Okay ill just take you wherever you want to go then " I compromised .

" or ill just walk. " she suggested.

" No Alexandra you know how I feel about that now get inside the car !"

She didn't argue and got inside. I looked at her and went closer I leaned down looked at her succulent lips and I licked my lips in response I bent down and

Buckled her seat belt up.

Safety first.

But god I really wanted to kiss her . But I decided to take things slow. Like 'normal people '.

She was breathing heavily. Was me being to closer to her too much ? I should keep my distance. I noted.

" If you were a booger I'd pick you first " I blurted out that pick up line . I got it from Google just to get her to relax . And it worked she was laughing uncontrollably.

" That was so cheesy " she said in between laughs .

" I know." I stated simply.And drove off.

I made her laugh twice today . Yay me I am getting good at this. Thank you Google . Soon ill be a love guru. Okay I know that's taking things a bit too far.

Looking over at Alexandra . I smiled at how much of a pussy I turned for her .

Her. Alexandra . Mine, hopefully soon .

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