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"Let me take care of you then " Alexandra said .

I smiled and followed her tiny and gorgeous body to the kitchen.

Alexandra , Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra and Brandon?

God what is happening to me ? Am I gay ? Because it sure as hell feels like it , I seemed to be repeating her name in my head since the first day I saw her , she is so damn beautiful , I definitely approve of your woman God . I thank you for bringing her into my life okay well for me forcing her into my life , but hey a mans' gotta do what a mans' gotta do.

"Brandon hey " Alexandra said while waving her hands in front of my face trying to get my attention .

" Er w--hat Uhm yes ? Alexandra ? " I stuttered .

She giggled .

I smiled .

God her giggle is so warm , so carefree.

Oh no ! Its official I am a bitch. I am whipped.

" You seemed to be in a daze, are you alright ?" she asked concerned.

" Uhm yeah just have headache that's all " I replied.

" Oh god I am so sorry I said that I am going to take care of you, but didn't even get you painkillers I am awful " she said while placing two advils and a glass of orange juice in front of me  .

" Thank you, and hey its okay you are not awful Alexandra anything but " I said reassuringly.

She pouted.

Ah her pout makes me want to take her down right now .

I must not think that way , I must not think that way , I must not think that way . I repeat that mantra in my head until I was convinced.

" Don't pout Alexandra " I said sternly.

She immediately pulled out of her pout.

Was I too blunt? Harsh ? Frightening?

I hope not I don't want her running.

" Brandon I want to ask you something " she said nervously.

" Go on " I encouraged.

" I would like to get some clothes back at my apartment . It's not that I don't like the clothes you got me because I do they are really nice . But it's too expensive it just feels wrong accepting all of that I feel um 'bought' if that makes since. Now I probably sound ungrateful gosh I do appreciate it but you can always return it right, and if they don't do returns we can give it to the orphanage I volunteer sometimes at or something .What I initially wanted to ask you is if I could get some of my clothes and things at my apartment because I would feel more comfortable with my own things please? " she finally asked breathlessly.

The way she babbled when she is nervous was just so adorable . I would advise her to breath though . Gee she is flustered. Ah she is so cute right now.

She looked at me expectantly .


Oh right I am supposed to answer her question .

I thought about it .

" Give me your keys ill get them for you . You my dear Alexandra stay here " I said.

What? I didn't want her out there she might never come back. Yeah if she knew how messed up you are she would go running for the hills my inner man spat.

I shuddered at that thought.

She sighed in defeat and handed me her keys to her apartment .


Her apartment is kind of small I feel out of place .

I entered a bedroom , it must be hers because I can smell her scent, ah... vanilla!

It's a plain bedroom nice and neat as expected . I made my way to her cupboard and threw in basically everything I could.

Something caught my eye.

Black lace undies .

I packed that in we might need it later . God my mind idly went to how ravishing she would look in it...

Ah stop I can't think like that now .

I think I got everything. I made my way home to where my Alexandra would be waiting. My Alexandra ? I hope so .

" Alexandra I am back " I said happily.

After I put her bags down no reply ?

" Alexandra ! " I called out again more frantically after checking every room.

No reply.

Oh Alexandra where the hell are you? !


There is a picture of what Alexandra's bedroom looks like back at her OWN apartment in the media bar .
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