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Oh no .

I locked my door and ran to sit in the furthest corner. I just knew Brad wouldn't let me get away that easily .

I heard footsteps.

" Alexandra are you here ?" Asked a voice. It was not Brandon's but Gia's.

Thank god! I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding . Why is she here though ? She is supposed to be arriving in two weeks time.

" Alexandra? " she questioned again.

I regained my composure , made myself presentable and cleared my voice.

" In here Gee" I called out and unlocked my bedroom door .

" Omg Alex I missed you so much! " Gia exclaimed and engulfed me in a tight hug.

I love her so much , my best and only friend.

" I missed you too , so much Gee " I said my voice almost breaking as I said that.

She pulled back and studied me intently.

" What's wrong Alex? Have you been crying? Where did you go too I got your message you know? "

Oh right I was on ' vacation '

" Nothing is wrong I just really missed you, my eyes are puffy because of my allergies. My manager asked me to check the other branches in Manhattan it wasnt much of a vacation " I lied.

She nodded.

" Okay I am going to change and get into bed we have a long day ahead at university tomorrow " Gee said .

Wait there is university aren't we supposed to be on break ?

" University is starting tomorrow ? " I questioned.

" Yeah silly , break is over "

That explains why she is home.

" Oh well goodnight get some rest you must be tired " I told her.

With that she rushed off to her room .

Unfortunately university is starting tomorrow . Have I been with Brandon for so long? It is possible I mean every thing was dark and closed off it is possible that I managed to lose track of time . I was left alone so the days must have felt longer for me .

I guess it's good that this break is over even though I haven't had time to process everything .University would be a great distraction.

I set out an outfit to wear tomorrow , I didn't feel like dressing up. So I decided on wearing a high waisted boyfriend jeans , white crop top and combat boots .

I was exhausted so I drifted off to sleep with Brandon on my mind .He didn't come get me. Did he even notice that I was gone ?


" Hey Alex wake up " Gee called out.

I woke up and looked to see that it was 7:00 a.m why am I this early awake ?

Oh right break is over .

With that thought I made my way to the bathroom and took a shower. I dressed in the clothes I set out yesterday and put some mascara on to give my eyes some life . I towel dried my hair and put it into a high pony tail . I looked at myself in the mirror satisfied and grabbed by bag and went to the kitchen .

I came in to see Gee making pancakes.


That reminds me of Brandon. When things were okay between us. I had to fight back the tears that are about to fall I didn't want Gee to see me like this.

" Hey Alex you look better than yesterday , I made your favourite " Gia said .

" uh thanks but I'm not hungry ill just have a granola bar" I said .

" Alex something is wrong. You have lost so much weight already and you seem so different ".

Shit she can see right through me .

" Nothing is wrong Gee I'm just tired that all, come we are going to be late "

She didn't question me any further but she didn't seem satisfied with my response. We drove in silence to campus.

When we arrived I spotted a familiar black Bentley .

It was Brandon.


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