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I woke up at 2 am the following morning . My stomach was cramping X 10 000 . I lift my head from my hard but surprisingly comfortable pillow an---- wait hard pillow ? I looked to see that it was Brandon ! Shit he slept with me ? Didn't he go home ?

I frowned at the thought that he stayed. He had other responsibilities too . I didn't want him to neglect his much more important obligations .

My thoughts were interrupted by another deadly cramp. I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself . Thereafter I went to the kitchen I was craving some chocolate mouse . Went to look in the fridge but there was none.

N---o---No cho--collate --chocolate mouse ?

I felt like crying. I entered Gia's room only to see that she was not there . She probably slept at her boyfriend , Marks place.

I went to the lounge and sat on the fluffy mat and cried my eyes out because there was no chocolate mouse . I know I sound ridiculous and I don't know why I am so emotional when I am on my period . I just am.

I heard Brandon calling my name. My voice was inaudible as a result of crying so he couldn't comprehend that I was telling him my location .

After a couple of seconds he saw me crawled up in a ball crying my eyes out. He rushed to me .

" Alexandra, kitten what's wrong? Are you hurt ? " He asked me worriedly.

" No --- n--o I --I am no--t hur--t " I stuttered.

He let out a a breath of relieve.

" Then what is wrong , kitten ? " He asked .

I kind of love the way he calls me kitten .

" I really wa---nt som--e chocolate mouse , but th-er-e isn't " I said in between sobs.

He laughed at me and muttered something about me being cute or something .

" Okay Kitten if you want chocolate mouse we are going to get chocolate mouse ." Brandon said .

His statement was like music to my ears . I cleaned my tear stained face with the sleeve of my onesie I was wearing and asked excitedly : " we are really going to get chocolate mouse , you would do that for me ?"

He smiled brightly.

" We really are kitten and I'd do anything to make you happy. Now come on let's go. " Brandon said .

I let out a squeal and got up put on my uggs and followed Brandon to his car . I probably look like a mess and Brandon on the other hand looks like a god , even though he just woke up wearing the same clothes as yesterday , a ruffled jeans , t-shirt and converse . Who would have thought that Brandon Larx would even own casual clothes . I surely wouldn't.

I got into his bugatti veyron and Brandon drove off. Soon we were outside the nearest convenient store . I basically ran to the frozen section and got 5 tubs of yummy chocolate mouse .

Brandon eyes widened when he saw me. I just shrugged . We got to the pay till and the middle aged cashier looked at us with shock .

Okay it must be weird , a awful looking girl in a hello kitty onesie with a god like man beside her coming to get five tubs of chocolate mouse at 2:35 am. Yeah pretty weird.

Brandon didn't say anything but smile since we got here .He took out his wallet to pay. Shit ! I forgot to bring my money. I made I mental note to repay him .When we got all our chocolate or should I say my chocolate mouse we made our way to my home .

Hey this is not the way to my apartment !

" Brandon? "

" Mmm ?" He replied not taking his eyes off the road .

" Where are we going? " I asked .

" To my house ." He said simply .

What ? ! I can't go to his house . There are too many memories. Bad memories.

" No take me home Brandon! " I demanded .

" Alexandra it would be better to have you at my house . I could keep an eye on you " He said .

Did he not understand how hard it would be for me ? Does he not realise how much pain I went through when I was there ?

" Brandon you doing it again ." I said close to tears .

" What ? " He asked

" You are taking me by force . You said you were not going to do it , and you are. I thought you changed but you haven't. I went through hell and back when I was with you in that house you can't expect me to be okay with going back there . Did you even consider my feelings? Clearly you didn't. I want to go back home now ." I said and by now the tears were rolling down my cheek.

" Oh kitten I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking. I just wanted you by my side officially shit ! I am so stupid ." He said .

" Take me home and don't call me kitten " I said coldly.

He look distraught and just nodded.

He swerved the car in the opposite direction . The direction to my apartment . He drove purposefully slow. I was crying silently on the car seat .

I really thought things were changing for the better . I believed a lie .

" kit--Uhm Alexandra I'm so sorry please forgive me . " Brandon pleaded .

" No. I can't Brandon. " I said .

With that I turned to opened the door. He touched my shoulder and I pulled away from his grasp.

" Don't you dare touch me . I don't want to see you Brandon. Ever. " I said bitterly and rushed out.

I opened my door and rushed to my bedroom. I even forgot my chocolate mouse . I cried my eyes out as all the emotions overwhelmed me .

This is official.

Brandon? I have to forget him and move on.


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