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It has been two weeks since the whole episode with Brandon .

Two whole weeks.

Since then I have gone to university and carried on. Or rather I have willed myself to carry on but I just couldn't. I just couldn't ! It's impossible. Brandon is constantly seeping into my mind . Into my heart .

As a result I was not focused during lectures and kind of just zoned out. I was now in my room getting some notes that I have to catch up too. And I hate that this is distracting me . I hate that I am thinking about Brandon and I hate the fact that he have ruined our progressing relationship. Why does he always feel the need to 'take' me ? He could have just asked and yeah I would have said no but I would ask for some time and think about it .

Even now when I was catching up with my notes I was not focused I was thinking about Brandon instead. Was he thinking about me ? No I doubt that because he has not bothered to contact me . I was hoping that he wouldn't give up that he would fight for me but he just. ..He just gave up. And that hurt me even more .

Gia found me that morning crying in my room after she came from Marks place . She even went to get me my chocolate mouse and comforted me . She said that I should forget about Brandon and move on because he would only hurt me . And I am trying so hard. But I can't. From that day she has been trying to bring me to my normal self. She tried to get me to eat more because I have loss tons of weight, tried to get me to go out and even tried setting me on a date with James .

James has some lectures with me and has liked me for a while. He is not bad looking. He has blonde hair , blue eyes and has strong features. But he is no Brandon .

Brandon. . .

Right before I could go into my depth of thinking about Brandon Gia stormed in my bedroom .

Had she not heard of knocking?

I turned to look at her to see that she is giving me a disapproving look that she has been giving me for the past two weeks now .

" You thinking about him again ." She stated matter of factly . God she really does know me well .

I didn't answer and instead faced my blank screen on my laptop .

She came inside my room completely and headed straight towards my closet.

What the hell is she doing?

" Where is all your clothes? You only have a few items !" She exclaimed .

Oh right Brandon still has my clothes with him . My phone too . How am I going to get it ? I did buy me a cheap and simple phone to make calls from. But I really needed my iPhone I got it as a gift from my father and he has used all his savings to get me that as an award for my achievements and for being the only one in my family attending university .

" Hey Alex! Are even listening to me ?" Gee asked.

" Yeah. Uhm my clothes are at the dry cleaners ." I lied.

" Okay you can have one of my dressers then. We are going out. " Gia announced.

Ag I really didn't want to go out.

" No Gee I'm not feeling really well . " I said .

She shook her head .

" No excuses get up you have 30 minutes and you are going even if i have to drag you out of here ." She said seriously .

She left and came back shortly with a short, long sleeved black lace dress with an open back. This is too revealing.

" I'm not wearing that. " I said .

" It's the only dress that I have for you . Come on you have 25 minutes left. " she said and ran off to get ready I suppose.

I loathe walking to the bathroom to get ready. After my 10 minute shower. I put on the dress to see that it stopped mid thigh! I matched it up with black heels . For make up I just put on mascara and red lipstick . I left my hair naturally straight. I didn't look bad .

I walked out to see that Gee was already done. She has been squealing since I came out and we were now in her car making our way to some new club named 366 .

Maybe this isn't such a bad idea. Maybe this is just the distraction I need to get my mind off Brandon .



I feel so bad but this is the right thing to do I have to remind myself that I am doing this to protect my best friend .

To protect her from Brandon Larx. His is nothing but a womaniser I have done extensive research on him . To find that he has commitment issues . I have also interviewed some of his ex employees and they have only negative things to say about him like the fact that he is a cold hearted and ruthless person . That is just too extreme for innocent Alexandra .

I don't know how they met or how they know each other but I know it was under unlikely circumstances . I don't also know their relationship status . But the way Alexandra has been acting lately I can only see that Alexandra is going through heartbreak or something shattering.

She didn't tell me and I won't force her . I know that she likes her space and ill give her that until she is ready to tell me what's going on between them .

But I have committed a sin . But I think of it more as protection. Yeah I have committed protection.

What am I talking about?

Well you see Brandon Larx have been sending Alexandra gifts 'forgive me ' gifts to be exact . Such as pancakes and I don't know how he knows that's Alexs favourite , different colour roses everyday , Häagen Dazs ice cream and tubs of chocolate mouse. And he has been doing this for two weeks but I have not told Alexandra . Instead I ate it or threw it away .

I know I'm a bad friend but I am doing this to protect her .

I tried cheering her up but to no avail . I even tried setting her up on a date with James . I know that he likes Alexandra and they would be perfect together. Because I know that he won't break her heart . He is safe.

I was now driving to the opening of a club and Alex is by my side . I told James to meet us there so that Alex and him can get closer. Alex doesn't know though . But this will make her forget about Brandon Larx.


Do you think that was a total bitch move Gia pulled? Or is that the right thing to do, to 'PROTECT' her friend ?

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