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Hai! So y'all don't have to read this, it's not connected to the main story.

But enjoy it if you do read it!


An Eggstra Special Easter

Leo's POV

So, here at Camp Half-Blood, we have a special celebration in honor of Easter.

No, we don't all go to church.

No, we don't chase people around dressed up like the Easter Bunny.

We have a special Easter Egg Hunt with enchanted eggs from the Hecate Cabin.

The eggs are given to the Iris Cabin to be painted, and then the Tyche Cabin puts good luck charms in some eggs.

The harpies spread them out in the field, and then the campers are released to collect the eggs.

The eggs are crazy.

Some of them are normal, candy filled eggs, and some of them are filled with gases that make your stomach churn.

Some are little bombs that spray everything within a ten foot radius with rainbow paint and/or glitter.

Anyways, this year, we have teams.

My team is Frank, aka Canadian Baby-man, Nico, aka Death Breath, and Percy, who insists on being called Persassius.

So, today is the Egg Hunt.

Which means today will be filled with confetti covered demigods, too.


"Ok, listen up, brats!" Mr. D yells across the amphitheater. "Today is the annual Easter Egg Hunt."

Everyone cheers and I let my confetti bomb go. It explodes and everyone gets confetti on them.

The Stolls and I high five and Mr. D drones on about the rules.

"No maiming. Every cabin must participate." The entire Aphrodite Cabin groans. "And if there is an emergency, come back to camp with your team immediately."

"Okay, does everyone know what team they are in?" Chiron asks. Everyone nods.

"Okay, then let the annual Easter Egg Hunt begin!"

For the next five minutes everyone is screaming and scrambling out of the amphitheater and heading towards the strawberry fields.

Eventually, I catch up with my team.

"So, is Team Leo ready to kick butt and steal eggs?"

Nico's (Death Breath's) POV

Leo runs up to us. "So, is Team Leo ready to kick butt and steal eggs?"

"What the heck. We aren't Team Leo. We don't need a team name, Leo." I snap. "All we need to do is get the most eggs and win the prize of 500 drachmas."

"Yeah, we don't need a team name." Frank says.

For some reason, the Romans decided to come along and crash the party, but this will make it more difficult to get the most eggs.

"So, let's go!" Percy starts running rather clumsily towards the field and grabs an egg from a tree.

"He found an egg already?"

"Yup. Let's go get some more!"

Basically, we ran around for three hours stealing eggs from bird nests and getting pecked by angry birds.

Angry Birds.

We find almost 30 eggs by the time we have to go back.

"Okay, let's count our eggs."

Frank's POV

"Okay, let's count our eggs." I say.

We dump them on the table in the pavilion and Leo runs off, probably to steal some.

By the time Leo comes back,we have a total of 31 eggs. He dumps five more on the table.

"I stole them from Clarisse. Let's hope she blames the Stolls and not us."

"Okay, campers, listen up! I need everyone to bring the number of eggs you have up to me so we can determine who has the most! After you bring me your total, you can open them up. But please open them outside the pavilion unless you want to clean up the mess you make."

I go up to Chiron and tell him our total and go back to my team. We take our eggs outside and distribute them evenly.

Percy's (Persassius's) POV

My first three eggs are perfectly fine and filled with chocolate goodies. My next one however...

I open it and get a face full of whipped cream. Yum.

Leo's POV

My second egg blew up in my hands and smelled like a skunk. Yuck.

Turns out I would smell like a skunk for a week until it would eventually wear off.

Frank's POV

My fifth egg shot streamers everywhere and played creepy music. I turned into a iguana.

Nico's POV

My fourth egg shook when I tried to open it. And when I opened it, I realized I had made a huge mistake.

It covered me with hot pink paint and glitter.

The Aphrodite Cabin was laughing really hard and I almost died when I found out why.

The pink paint stayed in for a month, and the glitter was enchanted to stay on for three weeks.

So I was gonna have pink glittery hair for a month.


"Okay! The team with the most eggs is..."

Everyone leans forward in their seats.

"Team Leo! Leo, Frank, Percy, and Nico, please come forward to claim your prize."


The whole camp, plus the Romans, have to see my new hairstyle.

We go up front and get the prize.

Sofia, my girlfriend and Percy's sister, runs up to us and gives me a kiss on the cheek in front of everyone. Everyone.

The whole camp 'awwws' and I feel my face heat up.

"You're gonna get glitter on your face, Sof."

"I know. And I don't care. As long as we match."

I smile and give her a kiss on the cheek.

The camp 'awwws' again and Percy glares at me.

Coach Hedge yells something along the lines of "GET A ROOM!"
and everyone laughs again.

I don't care though.

We won the contest and I made my girlfriend happy, and that's all that matters to me.

The end.


I can imagine Nico with black clothes and pink glittery hair.

I really can.

He would be all pouty and glaring at people and threatening.

And adorable.

Little Pinkette Nico.






Byeeeeeee and I hope you liked this bonus chapter!

~ Lily-sama

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