Chapter 10

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I normally don't do dedications, but this dedicated to madelynnh59091 because she sorta helped me get over my writers block for this book. :)

I still kinda threw this together though...


-Sofia's POV-

I ran around screaming because an angry crab dude with serious emotional issues was chasing me with a javelin. Yeah, really scary.

No, seriously. I'm not kidding. It's pretty creepy when an old crab dude is chasing you while crying and speaking fish and is trying to poke you with a javelin.

Anyways, back to the story.

The moment the others turned around and saw me running away from a crab, they all started laughing.

"Shut up and deal with that lady!" I snapped angrily.

They quickly obeyed and went back to interrogating to the lady.

I focused on dealing with old Crabby again. I drew my sword and spun around to face him.

He the thrust the javelin at me but I knocked it out of his hands with a strong hit from my sword. It hit it with a clang and the javelin fell out of his hands.

Phorcys just sat there, staring at me and cursing in fish. Yes, it is possible to curse in fish.

"It's over Phorcys. Call off your assassin and let us leave. Don't make us blow this place up. I'm sure Leo would be overjoyed to do that though." I pointed my sword at him.

"My army. My beautiful army is all gone. Just poof and that kid sent them all to Tartarus." Phorcys reverted to English. He continued mumbling under his breath.

"Die, Poseidon scum!" Natasha had managed to get to her feet again and was swinging her sword around blindly.

She took me by surprise and gave me a scratch on my leg before I hit her with the flat of my blade, knocking her out. She collapsed in a heap at my feet.

"Natasha! Nobody does that to my daughter! No one! You'll pay for this, Poseidon scum!" Phorcys lunged for me, knocking the sword out of my hands with his claws.

He shoved me roughly to the ground and pinned me down with four of his legs, digging two of them into my shoulders and the other two in my jeans.

I yelped in pain and surprise at his sudden speed.

Just when Phorcys was about to attack me again, a loud voice rang across the room.

"Phorcys! Release my daughter at once! We shall settle this hatred for each other now!"

"Ah, Poseidon. You're just in time to watch your daughter die. Again." Phorcys laughed and pointed his claws at my neck.

I struggled and tried to wiggle out of his grip, but his legs wouldn't budge so I was stuck.

The claws descended quickly and I closed my eyes preparing for the pain and feeling of death again.

-Nico's POV-

"Ah, Poseidon. You're just in time to watch your daughter die. Again." Phorcys laughed.

"No!" I grabbed my sword despite the stinging in my arm and ran with all my might towards Sofia. "I won't let you take her from me! Not again!"

A loud clang rang out as I blocked Phorcys's claw. I placed my sword between Sofia and the claw before I slipped beneath Phorcys.

"Get out of my way, troublesome demigod!" Phorcys swung his other claw at me.

A Daughter's Revenge •{Nico di Angelo}•Where stories live. Discover now