Chapter 9

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Sofia waved her hand through the rainbow and our connection broke.

"Can you still track her, Leo?" I turned around and faced him.

He spun around and went back to working on the computer. "I can try, but the deeper she gets in the caverns, the harder it is. I think the signal is being jammed by something."

If you are wondering how we have computers and stuff, I pulled a couple strings with some acquaintances I made on jobs when I was a Hunter. One of them was a millionaire, and he lent me his little condo near the hotel. We drove there and found it full of computers, televisions, and all kinds of technological items.

And, since Sofia was smart enough to take a phone with her, we've been able to track her using special Celestial Bronze instruments.

"Crap..." A red light started flashing on the computer screen.

"What's wrong?"

"The tracking light on her is getting fainter. I think they found her." Leo's face was grim.

I frowned. "I hope she's gonna be okay."

We continued to watch the screen for another half hour, watching as Sofia moved deeper into the cave.

Then, the light turned off.

"Crap. What's wrong with this thing?" Leo started pressing buttons. Then he froze.

"What happened?" I leaned over his shoulder and stared at the screen.

"Her signal's been cut off. Completely. The phone is still working, but it's not picking anything up from Sofia."

"What could that mean?"

"Well, it could mean that someone took the phone away from her and it's not in the hands of any demigods or..."

"Or what?"

"...Something really bad has happened to her. The only way it would stop working if she still had it would be if she is...dead..."

My eyes widened in shock. "She can't be dead!"

I turned back to the screen and read what Leo had on the screen.

'Carrier signal has disconnected. Three other demigods have appeared. No signal has been found from the carrier.'

"No! Shoot!" I clutched my face as tears threatens to spill down my cheeks. "She has to be alive! She has to!"

"I'm sorry. I'm not picking up any signals from her though." Leo looked down and grimaced.

"Wait! Look!"

A fourth light faintly appeared on the screen. It flickered between red and green.

"I'm going down there! They need help! Come on Leo!" I grabbed him by the collar and dragged him behind me out to my car.

We reached the cave in ten minutes and sprinted through the paths, following the sounds of explosions to the arena.

It was complete chaos when we arrived. Sofia and Natasha were duking it out in a little crater, and Nico and some other girl were fighting in hand-to-hand combat, with the occasional flash of light being swallowed up by darkness.


"Christina!?" Sofia looked up at us, startled.

Natasha swung at Sofia with her sword. Sofia managed to dodge it by a centimeter.

She swung her dagger and caught Natasha's back leg, causing her to fall down.

Sofia sat on top of Natasha, pinning her down. She held her dagger to her throat. "Move, and I will ruin that pretty little shirt of yours with your blood."

Meanwhile, Nico and the girl were no long exchanging punches. They were using swords. Nico almost had the girl completely cornered.

"Come on! Let's help Nico!" I grabbed Leo's hand and we ran down to Nico's aide.

I pulled out my sword and pointed it at the girl. She summoned another sword and blocked my attack and Nico's at the same time. "How!?"

She laughed and charged at both of us. I barely managed to block her attack. Nico wasn't as lucky.

He got a long, deep gash down his sword arm. He hissed in pain and his sword clattered to the ground.

Leo jumped in from behind the girl and grabbed her arms with his hands on fire.

She screeched in pain and anger, dropping her swords.

I quickly took advantage of the opportunity and slammed her against the cave wall with my sword pressed up against her throat. "Who are you?"

"I'm Lavinia, a daughter of Apllo. And you must be Christina, the daughter of Iris I've heard so much about."

"How do you know my name!?" My anger flared and I pressed the blade into her skin, drawing a small drop of blood.

"I used to work for your mommy. Then she tried to kill me and Phorcys hired me to work for him. I took the job."

"What job?"

"The job to kill Sofia Rodriguez and anyone acquainted with her. That includes you and Death Breath."

Nico growled behind me. "My name is Nico, not Death Breath!"

I heard screaming from behind me. I turned my head and saw a horrific scene unraveling behind me. "Sofia!"


Am I cruel? Yes, I am.

Hahahaha now you have to wait a week!

*angel side* You shouldn't do that to your readers, especially after everything else you've done to them!

*evil side* Kill them all! Make the characters all die! Yay!

*normal side* Ugh. Can't. Think. Straight. Can't. Write. Anymore.


~ Lily-sama

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