Chapter 1

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Ok, so, as your author, I have decided to give you some of Sofia's background story. This chapter is about how Savanna died and it might be a little sad. It's all in Savanna's POV (point of view) so you can see what happened. After this chapter, we will go back to Sofia and Leo as they start to make plans on how to rescue Nico. Thanks sealies!


I sat down next to Bianca in the kitchen. She's digging into her pancakes as if she hasn't eaten in weeks.

I grinned. "Wow, you are REALLY hungry this morning, Bianca!"

Bianca took another bite of her pancake. "I want to get something to eat before the nine year olds come and eat all the food! I can't believe those two can eat so much food and never gain any weight! It's crazy!"

Upstairs I could hear laughing. Nico must have gone to wake Sofia up and was tickling her again.

My mom, Leah Rodriguez, was cooking some more pancakes on the stove. She turned towards me. "Savanna, would you please go upstairs and bring Nico and Sofia down? Tell them I have a surprise for Sofia."

"Yes, mom." I slid out of my chair and bumped into Jonathan, my step-brother. We look nothing alike. I have black hair and sea green eyes, just like Sofia, and Jon has violet eyes and brown hair. "Sorry."

"It's fine sis." He smiled. He was only one year older than me, but he was taller than me.

I ran up the stairs and went into Sofia's room.

Sofia was still under the covers. Nico sat on top of the bedspread, tickling her. They were both laughing.

I walked up to Nico and tickled him from behind. He stopped tickling my sister and she slithered out from under the blankets. They both stood side by side in front of me.

"Come on you two! Mom has something special for you, Sofia! It is your birthday after all."

Her sea green eyes lit up and she smiled. "Race you to the kitchen!"

Nico and Sofia took off running down the stairs, laughing all the while. I laughed and followed them downstairs.

Mom had put a plate on the table and covered it with a napkin. She told Sofia to sit down in front of the plate. Nico and Bianca sat to the left of her, and Jon and I sat to the right.

She pulled the napkin off and shouted in delight. On the plate, sat a stack of blue pancakes, her favorite color.

We sang 'Happy Birthday' to her and she dug into the pancakes. She looked like the happiest nine year old on the planet.

Dad walked in and handed her a small box. She opened it and held up the little necklace so we could see it. It was a locket, and it had a picture of our family folded up inside it. Mom helped her put it on.

Sofia smiled for the rest of breakfast. Afterwards, all five of us went outside and we played for a couple hours.

We went inside for lunch. Grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. Yum.

While we were eating, there was a knock on the door. Mom opened it and a dozen men barged in the house.

"What the heck are you doing!? Who the he-" One of the men hit my mom over the head with the hilt of a sword. She collapsed on the floor next to him.

The five of us screamed and we ran to find our dad. "DAD!!! DAD!!!"

"What?" He stepped out of the living room. When he saw the men, he froze. "Get behind me! All of you! Now!"

He grabbed a sword and pulled it out of its sheathe. I was about to ask him what was going on, when I realized the men weren't men anymore. They were, monsters.

Sofia screamed next to me. Nico and Bianca held hands. Jonathan grabbed my shoulder.

"Come on! Let's get away!" Jon hissed in my ear. I nodded. We started inching away from the monsters. We ran outside and hid in the alley next to the house.

"I'm gonna go back and check on mom."

"No! Jon, don't leave! What if... if those... those things see you!"

"I have to go. I have to! I'll be back!" Jon ran off around the corner.

The four of us huddled together against the wall. There were a few booms that sounded like explosions and then everything was quiet again.

I stepped hesitantly towards the house. I almost screamed my head off when a monster jumped right in front of me. I fell back.

I could hear the others crying behind me. I was too scared to cry though. Too worried.

The monster laughed in an evil way. Its voice was scratchy and thin. "Well, it looks like I'm in luck today! Four meals!"

It reached down with its big claws and grabbed me and picked me up. I thrashed in its grasp. It squeezed my waist and I cried out in pain. "Run! Run! Get- gah! Get away-ugh! From here!"

The others didn't move though. They just stood frozen against the wall.

Sofia was the first one to react. She grabbed Nico's hand and dragged him away, with tears streaming down her face. Bianca followed them, sobbing. They left the alley and ran onwards the house.

The monster's grip on me continued to tighten. I tried kicking it, but it only squeezed me tighter. I saw Sofia standing at the end of the alley, gazing at me in terror.

The monster squeezed me so hard I couldn't breathe. Then it threw me. It slammed me so hard on the ground that I knew I was a goner.

Then so many things happened at once.

Sofia screamed.

My world started to turn black.

I saw a sword tip protruding from the monsters chest. It disappeared in a flash of light and dust fell down around me.

The last thing I saw was a monster turn into a teenage girl with blonde hair and bright green eyes.

Then my world went black.

And then I saw a bright white light.


Ok I'm sorry if I made any of you guys super sad right there. Honestly, I am. Buuuuuut, since when was the Underworld white?

Ha I'll let you guys figure the rest out!

Bye cupcakes!

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