Chapter 4

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We began to pack up all the stuff we had. I grabbed a bag and slung it over my shoulder. Christina and Leo did the same.

"Ok, let's go."

We walked towards the road and followed it for a while, keeping a safe distance away from the highway.

After an hour or so of walking, a car pulled over and the driver stuck his head out the window.

"Hey! You kids need a lift?"

I turned and saw a middle-aged man had pulled over. I was about to say no, for fear of him being a monster, but he continued talking.

"...Are you three demigods? It's been a while since I've seen another person like me."

"You're a demigod?" Leo piped up, a look of shock plastered on his face.

"Yeah, son of Hermes."

I studied the man carefully. His blue pickup truck was rusty and old. I didn't see anything suspicious in it, and when I looked at him, a sense of security washing over me. I felt like I could trust him, but I would still watch him carefully.

"Sure, we could use a lift."

"Get in the truck, kids." he opened the door and beckoned to us.

We climbed in, I sat in the middle and Leo was scrunched up against the window. There wasn't a backseat, so we squeezed into the front. We didn't wear our seatbelts, because there were only three, so we gripped the seats in case something happened.

The man started his truck and pulled back onto the highway.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you guys my name. I'm Sean Takan."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Takan. I'm Christina."

"I'm Sofia."

"And I'm Leo."

"So, are you kids demigods? I haven't seen many demigods around here."

"...Yeah. We are demigods. We're on a quest." I hesitated slightly.

"I see. What's your quest, if you don't mind me asking."

"We are hunting down giants and we are trying to rescue out friend. He was taken by monsters."

"Hmm..." Sean looked thoughtful. "I think I saw some monsters near the highway last week. A couple of empousai and some hellhounds. I watched them for a while and I saw them follow the highway. I've seen dozens of monsters follow the highway, all going the same direction. It's almost as if they are coming together for a monster family reunion."

"Hmmm..." Leo's eyes lit up. "Maybe they ARE coming together for a reunion! If we follow them, they might lead us to Nico!"

"You may be right, Leo. But if they are coming together, there must be a reason. And they might lead us to Nico... oh no..." Christina furrowed her eyebrows.

"What?" I turned to face her. When Christina trails off like that, it isn't for a good reason.

"What if Nico is the reason they are all coming together? What... what if they are trying to use him for something important... like attempting to raise one of their leaders!?"

We gasped and the car got silent.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, who is this Nico fellow? Is he a demigod too?"

"Yes, Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, a very, VERY powerful demigod."

"Ah, I see." Sean turned on a road and pulled into a parking lot. "I'm sure you kids are hungry, so I thought we could stop here so you could get something to eat."

I looked up and saw a sign. My heart started to ache.

We had pulled into a McDonald's restaurant.

Memories of Nico sitting in front of me eating French fries and smirking popped into my head. I groaned and pushed Leo out of the car. This was the last place I wanted to be.

Leo looked at me concerned. "Are you okay, Sof?"

"Yeah... and 'Sof'? Really? I sound like I'm from a furniture store."

"Would you like me to call you 'Fia' instead?"

"Nope. Sof is fine."

Sean laughed. "Come on, lunch is on me."

We followed him into the restaurant and ordered our food. (yes, I ordered a double cheeseburger)

We got our food and sat down in a booth.

"Well, Mr. Takan, I guess it's only fair for us to explain what's going on since you bought us supper."

"It's fine. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I enjoy helping demigods out."

"Nah, we can tell you." Leo shoved a fry in his mouth.

We started to tell Sean about the quest. We took turns, explaining everything carefully. When we got to the part where Natasha betrayed us, all the cups in the room almost exploded. I actually heard a scream coming from the bathroom and a woman ran out yelling about how the sink just exploded and water was everywhere.

Leo burned a handful of fries in his little rage spell. Christina just sat there muttering about Iris owing her twenty more drachmas.

After our story, Sean just studied us for a minute. "You're Poseidon's kid right? And you're a son of Hephaestus, aren't you? And I'm guessing your mother was Iris, due to the fact you keep saying her name and your eyes a rainbow."



"Wow, is it that obvious?"

Sean laughed. "I guess it is that obvious."

The rest of the meal consisted of friendly conversations and exchanges of information on the monsters.



It's been a while since I updated this...

And I've been thinking...

I might add in some different POVs (i.e. Leo, Nico, Christina, Natasha, etc.) but I don't know if I should.

What do you guys think?

Should I, or should I not?

Comment and let me know what you think!

Until I make a decision, it'll be in Sofia's POV.


~Lily, the One that Found the Dam Snack Bar

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