Chapter 11

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-Sofia's POV-

It's been almost a week since the battle with Phorcys and we were just getting back to Camp Half-Blood.

Upon arrival, Leo was greeted by a very happy and enthusiastic Calypso.

I was very surprised to see the Calypso in the flesh, but Nico explained it all to me. Apparently Leo rescued her and now she was free from her island. Ogygia was long gone.

Calypso was still immortal but she had the choice to become a mortal. It was an apologetic gift from the gods. I guess even the gods can show some pity every now and then.

"Sofiaaaaa! You were gone for almost a month!" Percy ran up to me and tackled me in a hug.

"Percy!" I clung to him and buried my face in his chest. He smelled like the sea, my favorite smell, followed by mint.

"I was wondering when you would get back! And where's Natasha? Tell me EVERYTHING!" He pulled away and started acting like an excited little kid.

I laughed. "Well, Natasha was actually a daughter of Phorcys and we had to fight him and I almost died and-"

"What!? You almost died!? Nico, what point of keep-an-eye-on-my-little-sis did you not understand!?" Percy shot Nico an angry look.

"Actually Percy, if it wasn't for Nico, I probably would have died. Of course, I saved his butt a lot too, do I think he's the one you should be worrying about..." I smirked and messed up Nico's already messy hair.

A light pink tinged his cheeks as he attempted to fix his hair. "Whatever..."

"Wait. Did I just see Nico di Angelo blush? Sofia what did you do to the poor kid!? He's blushing!" Percy looked at me in amazement.

"Uh, I'll tell you later." I yawned. "It's been over 24 hours since I got some decent sleep."

"Fine. But you owe me an explanation and a detailed story when you wake up!"

"Meh." I walked off towards my cabin.

I opened the door and stretched. "Ah it's good to be home!"

I flung myself onto my bed and cuddled with my stuffed animal dolphin. Yep, I'm almost sixteen and I still have a stuffed animal.

Someone knocked on the door. "Sofia?"

I groaned. "Whaaaaaaat?"

"Can I come in?"

"Sure..." I sat up and hugged Dolphina (the dolphin) as Nico entered my cabin.

"Hey." He closed the door and came to sit down next to me on the bed.

"Hey." I smiled and brushed some bangs of his face.

"So, I was thinking about what your dad said..."


"I decided I need to talk to Hades in the Underworld. And I was wondering if you would like to come along..."

"Of course! I mean, we have to tell your dad about us eventually, and maybe I could see Savanna!" I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Great! We can go on Friday!"

"Okay! Now, I need to get some sleep, Death Breath." I teased him with his nickname.

"Okay. I should probably get some sleep too." He stood up and gave me light kiss on the forehead before heading towards the door.

"Hey! You didn't get mad when I called you Death Breath! You look cute when you're mad!" I pouted and stuck my bottom lip out.

"That's 'cause you're the only person allowed to call me that, Kelp Head." He turned around and smirked.

A Daughter's Revenge •{Nico di Angelo}•Where stories live. Discover now