Chapter 12

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-Nico's POV-

"Sofia! Hurry up! I don't wanna be late!" I knocked on her cabin door again.

It was Friday and we were on our way to see Hades. Well, we should be but Sofia insisted on dressing up a little to make a good first impression on my dad.

"So- Holy Apollo's red cows you look gorgeous..."

Sofia opened the door and smirked at me. She was wearing a blue tank top with some sequins and a matching silver necklace that I had gotten her from the Stolls. It had a dolphin charm on it. She wore black skinny jeans and some blue converse. Her hair was in a not-so-messy messy bun and she had some dolphin earrings on.

Sofia blushed lightly and smiled. "Thanks. Let's go!"

I nodded and grabbed her hand. I pulled her towards the woods and found some good shadows. "Ready?"

"Hades yes! I bet shadow traveling is so cool a-"

I jumped into the shadows and pulled her behind me. She gasped in surprise before she clung to my back.

I'm used to shadow traveling, so it doesn't effect me much anymore.

I pulled us out of the shadows at the Garden of Persephone.

Sofia stumbled a little when we stopped. "-awesome. Heh. It was okay."

"You okay? Most people would be tossing their cookies by now."

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little surprised. I wasn't expecting that."

I chuckled and grabbed a rose from a nearby bush. It was blood red with specks of white in it. "Here, mind the thorns."

Sofia smiled and took it gently. "Thank you, it's beautiful!"

"Just like you. Now come on, we need to get to my dad's throne room soon or else we might miss him."


I led her to the fortress where my dad lived.

Cerberus and Mrs. O'Leary greeted us at the gate.

"Hey girl! How's my sweet little hellhound?" I rubbed Mrs. O'Leary behind the ears and she wiggled in excitement.

"You have a hellhound as a pet!? Why didn't you tell me that before!?" Sofia shot me a look and I got a little scared. If looks could kill, hers would be about to cut out my heart and shove it down my throat.

"Uh it wasn't relevant at the time...?" I gulped and went back to petting Mrs. O'Leary.

"But she's so cute! I love dogs! And dolphins!" Sofia squealed and rushed up next to me. "Can I pet her?"

"O-Of course." I stepped aside and Sofia hugged Mrs. O'Leary.

"Aw~ she's such a sweetie!" Mrs. O'Leary let out a happy 'woof' and licked Sofia's hand. "But why did you stutter?"

"Because you can be as scary as hell or sweeter than sugar in two seconds. Your emotions change very quickly."

"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not." Sofia shot me a skeptical look and scratched Mrs. O'Leary's ears.


"Anyways, we should get going! Don't wanna miss your dad!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door to the palace where Hades lived.

I smiled and followed after her and opened the door for her. "After you."

"Gods, who knew you were such a gentleman." Sofia teased and went through the door.

A Daughter's Revenge •{Nico di Angelo}•Where stories live. Discover now