Chapter 6 (the legit chapter)

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When I woke up, all I could remember was that I had nightmares. Again.

Nico had been sitting in a rock room, tied up and bleeding really bad. He was extremely pale, and wasn't moving. I saw Natasha talking to some weird crab dude and they appeared to be discussing something important.

"...we should kill the boy now."

"No, we can't Father! You want the Poseidon girl to come, don't you? Well he is the only reason she would come here. And if he's dead, then she won't come unless it's for revenge."

"Then she can come for revenge. And we can kill her when she does."

"No!" Natasha yelled. "Please don't kill him! You said I would get rewarded for helping you, and I want him! We can kill the girl, and dip him in the Lythe River. Then I can tell him whatever I want and he will be mine forever!"

I woke up after that.

"Crap." Christina said from behind the wheel.

"What?" Leo said.

"We are running low on gas."

"How long have we been driving?"

"Six hours."

"Oh. Well, I had a dream about Nico. He's in serious trouble."

"So he's still alive?" Leo turned around and faced me.

"I hope so. He was in some cave like place, all tied up and stuff. I saw Christina and a some crab dude. I think he was Phorcys. She called him 'Father' a lot."

"So, were they talking?"

"Yeah. Christina and Phorcys must want to do something to me. They are using Nico as bait. They plan on...killing me..."

"What!?" Leo shouted.

"He must want revenge for what your brother did to him during the war with Gaea."

"Maybe... But we have to hurry and find him. Phorcys wants to kill him..."

We continued driving in silence, thinking about the situation.

It wasn't long before we reached a little town. I recognized it immediately.

"This is where they are..."

Christina looked over her shoulder at me. "How do you know that?"

I looked away. "This is where I used to live. The only place they could resurrect my sister."


"And I have an idea where they are."


"There's a cave not too far away from here. They might be there."

"We can look tomorrow. It's way too late to go exploring creepy caves." Leo nods in agreement.

"Let's find a hotel."

We drove around town for half an hour and finally found a good hotel. It's a Greek safe house so we could stay there for free.


I woke up around six in the morning. No new nightmares.

I decided to go do some exploring myself. I left a note on the nightstand and leave the hotel.

I walked around town for an hour before I headed towards the cave area.

I was aware of a presence following me, but I acted like I didn't know someone was following me.

Eventually, I got so annoyed by whatever was following me, so I just turned around and yelled. "Hey, I know someone's following me! Come out so I can see you!"

Natasha stepped out into the clearing.


"Hello, Sofia. I'm guessing you've come to get your boyfriend? Well guess what, he belongs to me now."

"He isn't an item. He doesn't belong to anyone." I got out my sword and glared at her.

"Whatever. But I'm glad you've come to us. It's all going exactly as I planned." The bushes around me shook and monsters appeared everywhere.

I raised my sword and studied the monsters. If I tried fighting them, they would be able to overwhelm me easily. 500 to one was not exactly good on my behalf.

"Now, will you come with us, or do we have to force you to come with us?"

I had a plan.

I put my sword away and nodded. "Fine, I'll go. But you have to let me see him. I have to see Nico. If you don't let me see him, then I will not go so quietly."

"Fine, you can see him for ten minutes. But that's all. And then Father must...speak with you." Natasha smiled evilly.

The monsters grabbed me and started dragging me to the cave.

After half an hour of walking, we reached the cave.

They led me to a cell deep in the cave. My hands were bound and I was blindfolded.

"Take them off her. Let her speak to her precious boyfriend." The monsters removed my blindfold and unceremoniously shoved me into a cell. I run into someone and they grunt in pain.

I sat up straight. "N-Nico? Oh my gods, Nico!" I tackled him with a hug.

"S-Sofia? Is that you?"

"Yes, it's me, Sofia." I pulled away and looked at him. He was bound to the wall and his feet were shackled at the ankles.

I brushed his hair off his face. "Thank the gods you're alive! I was so worried..."

"Shhh... How did you get here? You know they want to kill you, don't you?"

"Yes, but I had to male sure you're okay. Besides, I promise I will get us out of this mess. I have a plan." I said.

"Can you kiss me? Please? So I know this isn't a dream?"

I blushed but nodded. I cupped his face and kissed him. He tried to deepen the kiss but I pulled away before he could.

"We can't, not here, not now."

"It's okay. I'm just glad this isn't a dream." He smiled.

"Okay, time's up!" A monster came into the cell and started to tie my hands again.



"Remember my promise! I will get us out of this mess! I swear on Styx!"

A monster chuckled. "you must have a serious death wish, demigod. You will die at the hands of Phorcys, and your promise will be broken. We might even give your boyfriend front row seats to your death, if he's a good boy."


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