Chapter 8

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Technically it's Chapter 7 in Nico's POV plus some, but whatever.

Sofia kept struggling with the monsters. They grabbed her arms and started dragging her away

I had to warn her about Lavinia.

"Sofia! Be careful! And watch out for Lavin-" Something hard hit my head and I crumpled. I tried to talk but whatever had hit me was hard and painful. I started to blackout.

The last thing I heard was Sofia screaming my name.


When I came to, I was in an arena. I saw Sofia getting dragged to the middle of the arena and she was tied to a post.

I remember hazy images of Sofia and I getting grabbed by monsters, but then I blacked out again.

Natasha, who was sitting on my left, and some weird crab dude, who was sitting on my right, were grinning evilly.

Natasha stood. "Oh, good. You're awake. Just in time for the Grand Finale."

She smirked and went down into the arena, pulled out a whip, and began attacking Sofia.

<(Skipping the flogging)>

Sofia was crouching down and her shirt was covered in blood.

"Sofia!" I tried to yell at her again and tell her to get up, but someone tried to shove a bottle in my mouth.

I fought with them a little, but I soon felt the liquid from the bottle going down my throat.

I coughed and sputtered.

Then my vision was tinged red.

I couldn't think straight.

"There. How do you feel, my love?" Natasha threw the bottle away and smiled at me.

"I feel wonderful, m'lady."

No, I don't! What's wrong with me!?

"Good. Now, I want you to listen to me. You see that girl over there on the post?"

I glanced over at her. "Yes, what about her?"

"I want you to kill her, my love."

"Of course. I will do whatever you want, m'lady." I stood and grabbed a sword. What!? No! Stop!

"Nico? Nico, please don't listen to her! Fight it! This isn't you!" Sofia struggled with her bonds.

I came closer.

She struggled more.

Natasha and Phorcys laughed.

I cut her bonds.

She fell down.

"Die." I thrust my sword at her.

She dodged.

I thrust.

She dodged.





"Nico! This isn't you! Fight it!" Sofia screamed at me desperately.

"I am fighting it." I grinned wickedly and stabbed her. No! Stop it! No!

"Nico..." She gasped and fell over, dragging me with her. Our faces were inches apart.

She grabbed my face and gave me a kiss. "I love you, Nico di Angelo, son of Hades. I will love you no matter what happens... Don't forget...Bianca...we both"

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