Chapter 3

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Sitting at the lunch table was a little awkward. George had to listen while the others were telling stories about there classes so far. George just had to laugh along and pretend to know what was happening.

When he was about to take a bite of his food that he packed something or more like someone hit his stomach making his grab it in pain. He looked up and saw everybody look at him with worry. "George are you okay?" Karl asked (the fluffy brunet haired boy, George had learned his named) George could only nod, when he tried to speak the pain hurt to much.

He slowly started to stand up, as he did he scanned all of their faces only the find the blond haired boy smiling trying to hold himself from laughing. That glare the blond boy was giving George earlier was enough to George to know that the boy does not like him much, but now being kicked in the gut by HIM. George walked his way into the bathroom which took him a little time to find. When he went in he stared at himself in the mirror, running the water and wash his face.

George lifted up his shirt as saw the red mark. "Thats going to bruise" he mutters to himself. All of the sudden he hears the bathroom door open. He looks into the mirror to see the blond boy behind him. "What the fuck do you want" George asks with his teeth gritted to ease the pain. The blond boy just stares at him through the mirror.

George turns around and stares at the boy. "I asked, what do you want" George says sternly, though George didn't want to be noticed this day he can't help but be mad at this boy. Normally he would ignore the bullying but why would his boy kick him on his first day knowing him, it didn't make sense. Just as George was going to leave the boy speaks up.

"Stay away from our group, we don't need any loners like you" What he said make George's heart break, he knew it everybody hates him, he is just a freak. George rushes out, he has to go back into the cafeteria or he could get caught being in the hallway without a pass. He takes the safer option and goes to the cafeteria, he looks up to see Sapnap waving him back over. He goes over and takes his seat, like expected he gets bombed with questions only to say that he was okay and he hadn't been hurt.

Once the bell goes off George goes to the rest of his classes. Getting lost, not talking to people and so on. Last period. He can't wait for this day to end, as he walks in he is met to be the first person there. How? He just takes his seat and waits for everybody else to make there way in. While waiting for class to start he is met with the blond boy towering over him. "That's my seat, Move" he says. George just keeps his head down not wanting to interact with him. The teacher saves George by saying, "Clay, let the new boy sit there just take the seat next to him." So, that boys name is Clay nice to know. Clay takes a deep breath and takes his seat next to George.

   Class is over now and George basically runs out of the classroom. What a semi bad first day of school for him, but now he has to go back home and do his load of homework for some reason. Why do teachers give out so much homework, it's not like George doesn't understand it. The work is easy itself it's just the amount that can get frustrating. As George gets onto the bus he sits down just to feel a weight of somebody next to him. It's that one blond girl that was sitting next to Clay at the lunch table. "Hi! My name is Azzy, I remember you from lunch" Azzy said to George with a smile.

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you" he said back doing a half smile. "I would like to apologize for Clay's actions at lunch, I saw him kick you and I had a long talk to him about how that's not the right thing to do to a new person in the group." Wow so George is getting an apology from her that should really be said by Clay himself. "It's whatever, I just didn't understand why he did it" George asked confused

  "Well my boyfriend-" "BOYFRIEND?" George interrupts her. "How does he had a girlfriend, that psycho doesn't deserve one" George exclaims.

   "Well George he is actually a good person once he warms up to you, don't worry when I was first introduced to the group he was mean to me as well. Now look, we are dating, just give him time to be around you that's all" Azzy said trying to make George understand.

   "Whatever" George puts his headphones in hinting that he doesn't care to make anymore conversation

   George gets dropped of at the bus station along with Quackity. Quackity waves George goodbye before walking the opposite direction. George makes his way home, though he can't shake off the feeling that someone is watching him. He tries to ignore it but it's making him uncomfortable, he hates special attention on himself. George ends up looking around to only find nobody there. Nobody is around. Stupid feeling, as he reached his home door he was about to open the door when he saw something in a window. In a window of the house a couple doors down he saw, nobody other than Clay.

   As soon as they made eye contact Clay closed his curtain in suprise. George was just confused on the fact that Clay was watching him and that he could sense it. What a strange, crazy person Clay was.

Words: 1001

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