Chapter 18

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Just like George expected, Dream has been trying to get him to talk earlier than he wanted. Dream kept poking George in class and begging him to talk. George responded the same everytime, he ignored Dream and rolled his eyes.

    George's nerves were getting worrying. The feeling in his stomach hurt. There were very nervous butterflies, he felt sick. He knew he needed to confess but telling your best friend your in love with them is scary.  George knew though the second he tells Dream all pressure would be lifted off his shoulders. The response is the only thing left to be nervous after. With Dream getting him to talk was making everything worse than it needed. It was telling George that Dream was possibly getting impatient. George needed to stop overthinking this already.

    Every bell ring, every class was 40 minutes closer to him telling Dream. It was 7th period now, one more period left after this and George needs to prepare. He knew he was making this a bigger deal than it needs to be but this is important to him. Dream was rude and cruel to him in the beginning and now George is in love with him. It's a big change in George's life and he knows he doesn't regret it. Dream is his best friend though, telling them that your in love with them is a huge risk. George doesn't even think Dream is gay for crying out loud.

   Dream was dating Azzy for a long time, a girl which means he is probably straight. Even though they broke up it doesn't mean anything different.

The bell went off once again, it's the last period. It was a study hall. This left George to think of his plan. Where would it be? He would want it to be someplace somewhat nice and not in his bedroom or anything. It had to be perfect for Dream.

Ring ring. It's time. George rushed out of his seat trying to get to the bus. Though Dream wasn't in his class last period which was a relief. Dream could be looking for him right now. George could see it in his imagination, Dream running to try and get George so his curiosity could be filled.

  But the thing George "imagined" was currently true. George was walking in the halls trying to make his way to his bus, when he heard something unusual. He heard squeaks of shoes far behind him. George turned to look around him and sees Dream running at him in full speed. George realized what was happening and turned back around making a sprint for his bus.

   As George runs he here's the scariest thing in history, "OH GEORGE" Dream screamed down the hallway, his loud giggling echoed off the hallways, he was clearly enjoying this. George did a full bloody horror scream trying to get as away from the crazy monster of a human behind him.

   George pushed the front door open and climbs up the stairs of his bus, almost tripping on the steps. He gets into his seat and looks out the window. Dream was standing out the window with his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath as he looked like a sad puppy to George.

   George just smiled and did a little cocky wave to Dreams direction clearly bragging on how he wasn't able to catch George. George was happy they were in good terms. He was still anxious about his plan but he was doing this for Dream, maybe a little for himself but he felt this was for Dream.

    George knew everything he was going to do, every step he was going to take was probably planned out at this point. George needed help which was a complete fact. He made sure he rounded all of his friends to help and he even called his mom. His mom was of course stoked to hear what he was doing and gave plenty of advice. His mom even went as far of telling him to wear protection which he quickly got off the phone. Everything was coming together nicely.

It was all finished at last. After he got his rides from Sapnap and plenty of designers to help him decorate the scene, the designers being a very giggling Karl and Quackity. George was somewhat annoyed that none of them were taking this seriously, but in the end he was in the middle rose petal fight as he grabbed handfuls and threw them straight into Quackitys face.

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