Chapter 13

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Tw: Body Shaming

Waking up for George was hard. After the night before his eyes were sore. Laying in bed he just stares up, looking up to the ceiling. He was allowing himself to finally think about his feelings, right now he was scared. He didn't know how his mother is.

   He looked over to his phone. He had to start leaving soon if he wanted to catch the bus. Getting out and doing his basics in his morning routine. Though it was harder to get the motivation to do it, he knew it had to be done to look decent for school.
George didn't even try looking in the mirror. He didn't want to see the pain from last night. He hoped it wasn't bad enough though to have people question it but he was willing to take the chance.

Walking to the bus was peaceful though. The cool wind blow in his hair. It gave him the chills, it was calming. When he made it to the bus stop, he sat and looked at his phone. He didn't even look up to meet the worries stares of Quackity. Quackity had probably seen his swollen face from crying so much last night. George only stared ahead though, not saying a word.

Once the bus arrived to school he got off and ran right to his locker. Putting his items into the locker, and going to first period. He just wasn't in the mood today. Even though he made up with his mother, after years of torture, it hurt not knowing if she was even okay. She didn't look like it yesterday. He didn't even know the sickness she caught. It could be deadly...

   First period, second period, third period. The bell went off. It's time for fourth period. He had this period with Dream though, George just hoped Dream didn't look into his direction.

George took a stop to the bathrooms quickly before class. It was a mistake. When entering he was met with a scoff. Maz was there, and when he saw George a wicked smirk traveled onto his face.

"Well, Well , Well what do we have here" Maz slowly creeped up to George. Maz grabbed his face inspecting it. "Were you crying? You fucking pussy" Maz let out a laugh. George started to feel the pain in his face as Maz tightened his grip. Maz scoffed and threw George to the ground.

"Get up" Maz said loudly, George tried but was met with a hard push again. His head hitting the ground, "You're so weak, why don't you put a little meat onto your bones to help out with that huh. Eat more, you're a walking skeleton cmon" Maz snickered. Maz kicked him in the side to finish it off before pulling open the bathroom door and exiting.

Moving hurt badly. That kick was not held back at all, he feels as though his whole body broke when he knows it would only leave a dark bruise. But it hurt, life hurt. He needs to get to his class, but he just can't, he can't move. His head hurt from hitting the ground.

So he laid there until he could get the strength to pull himself up. George gripped onto the sink holding his side as he pulled himself.

George walked to his class taking deep breaths to control himself from bursting out crying. Why did everything have to happen at once, why did it have to happen at all. George knocked onto the classroom door waiting for the teacher to open it. When the teacher did she didn't have a happy face.

"Do you have a pass?" She said in a monotone voice. When George shook his head, she shook her head disappointed. "That's after school detention for you"

George got to his seat and got his work out. Only 5 minutes being in the class and he felt eyes burning into his head. George knew who it was, but did he want to meet the eyes was the real question. He didn't, so he kept his head down.

The bell went off, as kids left the classroom he slowly packed up not even trying to be fast and in a rush. As he exited to class a hand grabbed his wrist pulling his into a corner. He was pinned against the wall. He looked up and saw who he expected, Dream.

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