Chapter 5

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George finds himself cuddled into a body pillow in the morning as he woke. The only problem is that he doesn't have a body pillow. He lifted his head up to find the person he hated most in bed with him. Clay

He jumped up as he realized what happened. Clay was assigned to sleep in his bed and he agreed to it. Maybe if he weren't so drunk he would have never gotten into this situation.

Cuddling with your enemy and sum what enjoying it. I mean yeah George though he was comfy as he had the best night of sleep in a long time. But it was Clay he was laying on.

   George quietly but quickly got out of bed making sure he wouldn't wake Clay up. He made his way to his bathroom before being stopped by someone saying something. Sapnap was awake.

    "You seemed pretty comfortable huh" Sapnap said with a smirk. "Shut up about it" George snapped back in a whisper.

   "Don't worry nobody else saw but me, the rest were sleeping, but don't think I won't ever use this as blackmail" Sapnap rolled onto his other side and scrolled on his phone. George huffed and went into the bathroom. Nice talk.

Everybody had left George's house later on. Everyone said there goodbyes except Clay who just walked out behind everyone but whatever George doesn't care. Right? George was making his breakfast when his mom came out of her room. "Good morning George" His mom said with a smile. What was she doing home.

"Whatcha doing?" She said with a smile going by George. What was she doing. This is the first time she has talked to him nicely in years. "Breakfast" George responded with. It was the only thing he could respond with really with being in shock.

   "I saw last night that you had friends over, that's nice. You made some friends" She said with a little joy in her tone. "Why were you in my room" George snapped back in a slightly angry tone back.

   "I just wanted to check on my son alright, is that a crime?" George had it after this. "So for years you emotionally abuse me and now you want to check up on my and be happy about what I achieved the first time in my life. In my other school the only reason I didn't get ANY friends was because you made me feel like a FREAK." George snapped.

     George's mom kept on stumbling over her words after that. Trying to spit out an explanation for everything but she just can't and George knows it. He scoffs and throws the food away suddenly losing his appetite.  Walking his way into his room, when about to close his door he hears his mom sign before sniffeling.

    He hasn't left his room all day not after that encounter. He feels a little bit guilty but after the pain she had put him through he had enough. He went down stairs after hours, his stomach was begging for food at this point. George goes downstairs to find his mom not there so he makes a bowl of food quickly and runs back into his room. George gets ready for bed and just as he was about to close his curtains he sees the person there again. Fucking stalker. He just flips them off before seeing them sprint away again. He falls into a deep sleep after.

    Too deep of a sleep clearly because he missed his alarm completely. He ended up missing his bus leaving him to run to school. As he looses his breath he slows down only to see a car slowly pull up next to him. "Get into the car" He looks over to see Clay looking at him with eager eyes. Huh? George just stares at him in shock. "You going to come in or not?" Clay breaks him off after a minute. George just nods and goes into the other side of the car and climbing in.

      They walk into school together, stopping by the office to get a pass. As they wait for the passes Clay looks over at George a couple of time looking like a was thinking about talking to him. George just looks at him confused. "What" George asks coming off more harshly than he expected. Clay thinks again before speaking up. "About that other night.. When I slept in your bed-" The bell rings showing that second period has started. Kids rushed into the halls.  The desk person came back with there passes saying that they are excused.

     As soon as George heard that he sped walk away. Why did Clay have to try and make a deal about it? And why is he trying to talk to George now? After weeks of hating him and one night when they just have seemed to share a bed Clay wants to talk to him. He scoffs to himself.

George was scared to go to lunch when it was time. He didn't know how he would be by Sapnap who saw him and Clay cuddling, and Clay himself. After this morning after George ran away from Clay as he was trying to talk to him, he became frightened. So, when George entered the cafeteria he made sure to keep his head down and speed walk his way to his seat.

He kept quiet making sure nobody would talk to him. "Hey George you okay, your not talking much and I didn't see you at the bus stop this morning?" Quackity whispered to him. George nodded and half smiled. "I'm good, oh and I slept through my alarm" George replied quite embarrassed about that. Quackity smiled at him and nodded before getting into a conversation with Karl.

George heard his stomach growl. He forgot to grab his lunch before running out and he didn't have any money to buy lunch. He completely forgot so he had sat there trying to keep his stomach quiet to make sure no one would have heard him. To his surprise though a ham sandwich was slid his way.

He looked up to see Clay giving him a scolding look before moving his head to try and get George to eat. George signed and slid the sand which back to him. Clay got angry at this though and slid the sandwich to his harsher now, "Eat It, now" George didn't know why he was so angry but hesitantly opened the sandwich back and took a bite out of it. When munching on it he realized something. Azzy looked much sader as well today. Weird.

George had finished his sandwich and through the trash, the bell was about to go off that would tell them to go to class. So George went back to the table and started to grab his bag as the others stood up to do the same. Clay grabbed his bag quickly and went up to George. "George you can't ignore me plea-"

Whoops, the bell went off so George sped walked his way away from him as fast as he could. He just couldn't be confronted about it. The fact that he felt warm while cuddling with him made his stomach turn as well. Though today the bell was on George's side, understanding his as well and he was more than thankful for it.

So, when George had his last class on the third floor he started to worry. He did not want to talk to any of the crew. He knew he could bump into any of them easily and a big chance of it being Clay as well. So when the class ended he jogged through the halls trying to just make it to the bus. He ran as he got closer only to be met with the floor. Wha- He got tripped. He looked up for it to only be Clay, with a smug look on his face. Wasn't he just trying to talk to George eagerly only a couple of hours earlier? Clay has a switch of emotions when it comes to George clearly.

George tried to get up only to be pushed back down again. Some random boy had done it this time though. "Who did you think you are trying to run away, huh, new kid" the boy had said. George realized who it was though. He didn't realize it earlier when the boy would glare at him, he didn't know that the boy hated George. But that boy was Maz. Maz was the "hot popular kid". The one that would have girls left and right.

Maz always seemed to have hated George which was weird. He didn't even know George but like Clay, he was sure he hated George when he grabbed the girls attention. That one first day when he was all what the girls talked about, that is when he got two people who ended up hating him. Clay and Maz. Great.

Words: 1504

(Btw Azzy is Clays girlfriend if forgotten LOL)

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