Chapter 7

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      It was the near end of the day and George hadn't even see Clay in any of his classes in the afternoon. After the cafeteria accident nobody had seen him. George felt very guilty, he should have sucked it up and kept it to himself. If he had he would have not ruined everything. When George got onto the bus Quackity and Karl sat right by him even though he protested against it. They ignored him and sat by him making sure they told him that it will be okay and it wasnt his fault.

He just slump down into his seat waiting for the bus to stop at his stop. As soon as it did he got up and sped walked off the bus and headed home. He wanted to crumple up into a ball and kick himself into the moon.

   He went home as fast as he could. The only thing stopping him is this person he is waking behind. George is trying to keep a distance from them to not to crowd them. There just walking very slow for George's taste, he likes to take quick steps but this person is going like a snail for him. Thinking about it he just is going to go around them. He sped up a bit and went off the side walk into the road to go around them but was he saw who it was he saw Clay. Shit

   Clay was on his phone so George hoped that if he kept his head down Clay would not see him. To his luck, Clay very unsurprisingly saw him.

"George.." Clay stopped walking, George was just looking at his shoes stopped a couple of feet away from Clay.

"Um, Clay I'm sorry I told them. I didn't think they would kick you out like that." George said quietly looking up at Clays face more.

"George don't apologize, Maz forced me to do it, he has seen you with our table and pulled me aside saying I had to hurt you and stuff" George felt horrible after hearing this. Clay was forced to and George told everyone about it though they didn't even know Clays side.

"Why would you agree to something like that though, just ignore him or tell the table or something?" George said with curiosity

"I couldn't, he knows something about me, something he would tell the whole school if I hadn't have done it with him" George just nodded understanding. Though George wanted to know what it was, he wasn't going to push Clay to tell him anything he was uncomfortable with.

After some silence George decided to smile at Clay before walking again. Clay called out to him one more time though.

"George, just let me help you with the bruise or something... to make it up to you?" Clay said desperately

George sighed and looked at the time. He has quite some homework since he hadn't done any the night before because of the accident, but George felt bad for Clay and wouldn't be against hanging out with him. George just nodded, Clay smiled big after that making George smile.

The two walked side by side in silence. It was kind of awkward for George seeing as he doesn't really ever talk to Clay. This is one of the first times Clay and him have really talked. George thought about things they could maybe talk about during the walk but the one he chose was one of the worst ones he could have chosen.

"How have you and Azzy been lately?, she seemed a little sad a couple of days ago." George saw Clays face drop at that question. George knew he shouldn't have asked.

"Azzy told me you guys were dating and I was just curious on how you guys got together. She told me you were kind of meaner to her as well when she joined your guys group like you kind of were with me." George tried to explain himself.

"You think I didn't like you?" Clay asked quietly. George was confused.

" I mean yeah, you kicked me one of the first days you met me, you pushed me into a lake and so on, right?"
Clay just nodded

  "It's just that I don't trust easily and I guess I just was jealous. I didn't really know much about you either" Clay responded

  "You were jealous of me? If I were to hear that in a my old school I would have blown up. I was a nobody in England a good old freak to kick around"

   "George have you seen yourself?" George looked over at him surprised. Huh?

  "George your a good, smart guy who is even good looking" Clays cheeks flushed pink as he said that last thing.

  "I-I mean your decent looking good enough to get ladies in school." George smiled cockily. He made Clay stutter in his sentence.

   "There is only one problem though Clay, I'm not a fan of ladies, I prefer the men you know" George had never really told anyone but he never paid attention to girls, but the guys always got his attention. Sharp jawline, deeper voices, stronger figure

   George had just came out to Clay though. The guy that he had just started getting along with. Clay was sure to not like him much anymore. But Clay smiled.

  "Good for you George" Clay laughed at how cocky George was and then shut down into embarrassment.

  George breathed out in relief. "Your good with that?" George asked to make sure. "Of course why would I be against it, have you seen Sapnap with Karl and Quackity. I'm surprised there not dating yet" George started laughing at this making Clay go into his wheeze.

   They got to Clays home happily. They were now in Clays room as he got ice for George's cheek. Clay did say he wanted to help his bruise to make it up for him. They were just talking about random topics trying to kill time.

    "So George when you were takling about your old school earlier, you said you were the 'good old freak' what does that mean?" Clay asked clueless.

  "Well like you said I was the smart good guy at my school which made me a good target. My mom used to bring random guys home after my dad died and people just knew. They used it against me because they knew my mom was never home so they left me with all kinds of marks. Bruises, scrapes, anything"

   "Oh I'm sorry George I didn't know" Clay felt bad, he wouldn't have done any of that if he knew what George had to live with.

  "Oh it's good don't worry about it please" George smiled at Clay reassuring him it was alright and he was used to it. Clay just smiled back and nodded. George grabbed his phone and checked the time. 7:30. Shit.

  "I'm so sorry I lost track of time I have to go home" George grabbed his stuff. "Oh let me walk you home"
Clay rushed putting in his shoes as George was.

  They walked the couple of houses down to George's.    "Oh Clay if your good with the it, could I get your number" Clay smiled and started to laugh loudly
George punched his arm "Not in that way idiot"

  Clay put his hand out waiting for George to give him his phone. After Clay typed it in George grabbed his phone to see Clays contact.


  "Dream? Really" George started laughing now. " it's my Nickname, Sapnap made it for me." Clay defended
"Alright Dream goodnight" George waved and started to go into his house. Before he closed the door he heard a faint, "goodnight George"
God he's cute.

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