Chapter 14

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Slight NSFW 🚨🚨

   They were both in Dreams car. Dream was driving them both to the hospital, even if Dream didn't know anything about George's mother. Ever since Dreams found out about George's father who had died, Clay felt bad for George's life at home. And now George had his mother in the hospital.

     George seemed to look calm though.  Like he was not worried about Dream meeting his mother.

   When they pulled into a parking spot, George slowly breathed out. "Are you still up to this" Dream asked, making sure George didn't feel uncomfortable about what there doing. George shook his head fastly, "No, of course not it's just, the whole situation" George's eyes started to tear up.

In a panic Dream grabbed his hand. Dream didn't want to see George cry. It would break his heart, he didn't want to witness anything of sad George. Squeezing George hand one last time, Dream started to unbuckle and get out he car. Before George could get out Dream was already at his side opening his door.

George scoffed and chuckled at Dream running to get to his door to open it for him. They both walked their way to the front, Dream rushing to open the door for George once again.

   The lady at the front walked as George and Dream followed. George knew Dream was worried, the way he was tapping his foot against the floor, and taping his fingers against his pants while in the waiting room said so. They followed the lady until they arrived in front of the familiar room. George looked at her. She was still pale with more color in her lips though. They were not the blue like George saw the day before.

The lady opened the door and left them, allowing them to visit themselves. George walked in with a smile, hugging his mom and starting small talk.

Dream was standing near the door in the corner not sure what to do or say. He shifted his weight from foot to foot. George looked back and saw him looking at the floor.

George grabbed Dreams arm. "Mom, this is Clay. My friend" Dream did a little wave in George's mom direction.

"Well hello Clay, so your the friend George has been disappearing to?" Mom chuckled. George rolled his eyes on his moms comment. "I have barely hung out with him"

"You've hung out with him enough for me to notice your absence" His mom hit him back. George sat by his mothers side. "So Clay, are you from here" George's mom asked.

The conversations lasted longer than George had expected. Clay and his mom were getting along well. George couldn't help but smile. One his friends getting along with his mother. He wished he could stay there for forever but he knew it would come to an end.

The lady from the front desk knocked on the door a little while later.

"I'm sorry but visiting hours are over" She looked at George and Dream. They both nodded. Erin (George's mother) and Dream shook hands while George and his mother hugged tight. "Clay is a good person, I think he may even like you" His mom whispered into George's ear. George pulled out of the embrace quickly and looked at his mother. She only had a smile and a nod to confirm her thoughts.

George looked back at Dream and found him smiling at them. George rolled his eyes at the look of happiness while watching them. George couldn't help the heat that rushed to his cheeks though.

They left the hospital and got into the car. The drive back was quiet but nice. George was just happy that his mom and Dream got along so nicely. But what did she mean 'I think he might even like you' that is completely untrue. Dream is straight. He dated Azzy for a while even. But Dream did say he had a secret that no one knows. Could that be it- no it couldn't, get it out of your mind George.

  George looked over at Dream who was driving though. He was smiling and even looked over at George and when they kind eye contact George swore he could see Dream blushing lightly. But does George even like Dream?

   George knew that Dream was a good person. Dream beat up a kid for him. Dream was also good looking, George couldn't deny that. Dreams bright eyes (even though they looked yellow to George) they were pretty, Dreams light sharp jaw, the light freckles across his cheeks, and his bright smile. God, even his voice was hot to George.

   George's eyes bulged, 'hot'? He just called something of Dream hot. Even if it was his smooth voice, George thought it was hot. George took one last glance at Dream secretly. God it was not only his voice, Clay is a hot man. And George had possibly fallen for him.

  George though about it, and the only thing that his mind could conclude was the same outcome.

  George has a crush on Dream.

   Dream pulled in front of George's house. "We're here" Dream said sadly, a fake pout on his face. George shoved his shoulder.

  "Thank you for the ride" George said. Dream looked at him and smiled, "of course,  I do it only for my Georgie though" Dream reached over and pinched George's cheeks. George smacked his hands away. "Don't pinch my cheeks" George said trying to be stern but only having it come out as a joke. Dream started laughing. George scoffed and grabbed his backpack before opening the door and slamming it closed. Dream waved George goodbye through the window only to be flipped of by George in return.

   George went into his house and went to his room taking a shower. Slipping off his clothes, the mirror was already cloudy from the steam coming off the shower.

    George was washing his hair, massaging it into his scalp.

  Dream. Dream. Dream.

  The way Dreams lip parted before looking at George. The angry look in his eyes when he found out about Maz. It was all so hot.

  George could feel the blood rushing, but not to his face. His cock had gotten hard at the thoughts of Dream, god.

  George knew there was only one way to fix it. George let his hands travel slowly down his body, imagining it were Dreams. Grabbing onto it and letting his hand wrap around it. George pumped his cock up and down.

  It was all Dream to him though. Every jolt of enjoyment that would rush through his body, was all Dream to him.
    George teased himself letting his thumb run across his slit. His hips bucked forward trying to get more contact with his hand.

   George had gotten himself to his high, moaning. God what did Dream do to him. Going faster as he wanted to let "Dream" take control.

   Moaning loudly as spurts of cum shoot out and hits the wall. Slowing down to finish his high, George opens his eyes. Realized what he did, he didn't know how to feel about it.

  He was just fantasizing Dream getting him off. George is going to have to see him again. How the fuck was he going to be able to act normal around Dream now.

   He cleaned up the wall and finished his shower. Getting dinner and plopping down onto his bed. At least he didn't have to see Dream any time soon since he got suspended. Thank Goodness.

  George put on a random movie watching it until his eyes became heavy and tired. Letting himself drift to sleep.

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