Chapter 12

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  In his room George took a long, long shower. Rinsing off all the horrid smells of alcohol and sweat of him. He still had Dreams clothes. George debated what to wear. But he couldn't help himself from slipping Dreams hoodie back on once again.

He went back downstairs trying to get a drink when he realized something, why has it been so quiet lately? He hasn't been home really but he hasn't seen or heard anything for weeks now. Where is his mother? After that argument he hasn't heard from her.

George opened his phone texting his mother. Usually she would be at home in her room, at work or at some strangers house. But with what the silence has been telling him, his mother hasn't brought anyone home in a while.

After a couple of hours his texts were even being read. She normally at least read them? He frantically called. She didn't answer at all, where the fuck was his mother? George was about to do something he hasn't done in a while, call someone in his family.

  He went to a lost contact to his Aunt and called her in a rush, hearing each ring go off as he paces the room. By the time the third ring goes off he hears someone pick up the phone.

  "Hello?"  He heard a light voice say.  "Hey, Aunt Rosie, I'm have you heard from my mother recently I haven't really talked to her... in a couple of weeks.." He felt bad saying the last part but it was the truth. He tried to dispose his mother so much out of his life, he didn't even talk to her.

  "George, is that you?" His Aunt asked suprised. "Yes, please do you know where my mom is" he asked more harshly.

   "You mother didn't tell you, she is in the hospital, she has been there for a while. She is not doing well. She really didn't contact you?" Aunt Rosie was crying at this point. George felt so bad but his brain was running to much to comfort her. He hung up without a goodbye or thank you. His eyes filled with tears.

   He rushed out of his house. Not even putting on shoes. He needed to get to the hospital, now. He didn't even know how to drive, Hell he didn't even have a car. He fumbled with his phone once more, the blurry in his eyes didn't help either. His eyes filled with tears as he pressed on Sapnap's contact.

George tried taking deep breaths but it ended up with chocked sobs coming up. More rings went by until the phone picked up.

"George! I'm so sorry about the other-" George cut him off " Sapnap you need to get ne to the hospital now please" George begged

Sapnap heard the sobs coming from George, "Uh yeah I'm coming give me a couple of minutes, George it's going to be okay" Sapnap was quickly rushing to his car and trying to calm George.

Sapnap hung up and George just had to wait. He ran back inside and grabbed a pair of shoes and put them on before going back outside waiting. George looked up when a car stopping took over the silence. He ran to the car and got in the passenger seat telling Sap to hurry.

George had never cared so much until now. His mother hurt him so much when he was younger, but it was his mother. The mother that loves him even if he didn't know it at times. She only went out to other guys go take the pain away from losing his father. Her husband.

The car ride was quiet but the almost to silent radio playing and the deep breaths George was taking trying to collect himself.

Arriving at the hospital, George jumped out the car before it had a chance to fully stop. He sped walk into the hospital going to the receptionist.

"I need to see my mother now" The lady looked up in suprise to see George. George probably looked crazy with a bright red, tear stained face and bright red eyes but he didn't care, he needed to see his mother.

"Yea sir what's your Mother's name?" The lady asked in in tone that was clearly concerned.

"Erin Davidson" George gulped. The lady nodded and got up going to the room with George following close behind. When seeing his mother through the glass he could of sworn he could have thrown up. His mother was pale with blue lips. George couldn't help but feel guilty.

George pushed the door in and went to his mothers side. He pulled up the chair and grabbed her pale, cold hand. "Mother.." he choked out.

He didn't even realize he was crying again until a tear fell onto his mother's hand. His mom looked over and smiled, how could she smile right now?

"Mom, what happened? Why didn't you tell me?" George was upset, how could he let this happen.

"George hunny, it's okay don't cry. Moms just a little sick it's okay" His mother wiped a tear off George's cheek as she let her hand rest in his cheek.

  "Mother you should have told me I would have helped-" his mom cut him off. "George, you have been happy recently, I didn't want to ruin your life any more than I have already" George saw a tear run down her cheek as well.

  "Mom, you never ruined my life. You were in pain and I wasn't there to help you" George sobbed and laid his head down in the bed.

  His mom ran her fingers through his hair, "George we both know that's a lie, I could have still taken care of you though. We both lost him, we were both in pain" his mother chuckled sadly.

  George couldn't hold such a silly thing against her anymore. It was when he was younger and he has helped her life now by having them move. George gulped.

  "Mom, are you okay? You should have told me" His mom sighed, nodding, "George I just have picked up this really bad sickness, I don't know until I get better. I'll be here for a while is all I know. And I'm sorry about not telling you" his mother's voice was quiet as more tears ran down his face. George got up and hugged his mother.

  "George you know I love you right, your the best son I could have asked for" George cried into the blanket that covered up his mother. "I love you too mom" George lifted his head up and smile, before putting his head down again.

  His mother ran her hand through his hair again.

    George woke up to a tapping on his shoulder. "I'm sorry sir visiting hours are over" the lady from earlier whispered. He nodded and slowly got up to not disturb his mother sleeping. He lightly kissed her head before leaving the room and walking to the waiting area. A couple of hours had passed by, which had surprised him to see Sapnap scrolling on his phone.

  Sapnap looked up and when he saw George he jumped out of his seat and embraced George into a hug.  "I was told what happened. I'm sorry" George nodded, he was glad someone was there.

   Sapnap wrapped his arm around his shoulders and led him to the car and got in, starting to drive George back home. The silence was comforting. After the hours of sadness he was out through he was calm.

   When Sapnap dropped him home he decided to speak up, "Thank you" Sapnap only replied with a smile and a nod. Before leaving George to be on his own without any bother.

  George opened the door finding it unlocked. Going back into his room once again he found himself looking into a mirror. He looked like he was dead. His eyes puffed up from crying as the rest of his face was light red. He felt so bad for not being there only sooner. The only thing he could do now was go to bed and sadly get ready for school the next day.

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