Chapter 11

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George woke up in a surprise the next morning. Sitting up so fast that his vision got blurry for a second. Rubbing his eyes to adjust to the light, he finally was able to look around nicely. Wait... this is not his room.

What the fuck happened last light. George had a pounding headache and this bright sunlight was not helping it. George replayed every moment from last night that he could remember. Losing Sapnap, sitting in the corner, drinking some mystery punch, taking multiple cups of it, ...

He blanked. He couldn't remember anything. He could but it was so faint that he didn't even know it was true. This room though. It belonged to someone, somebody took him home. Panic set in. What happened, what if the stranger did something. The room though, as George took a couple more glances around he found it so familiar. Where has he seen this room before?

George looked to the bedside table to find three things. His phone, ibuprofen, and a glass of water. Well whoever this was at least was nice of them to provide George this. He was about to grab his phone when he lifted up the blanket and saw he was not in his clothes. He threw the blanket back down in shock covering himself up. The person dressed him in their clothes. They saw him naked?

He lifted up the shorts quickly to see his own underwear on. So the person didn't see him fully naked.

The hoodie he had on though was similar as well. It was like he has seen this hoodie so many other times before.

The door handle started to shake as someone opened the door. In a split decision of George thinking to either pretend sleep or reveal he was awake, he chose the second option.

The door opened to reveal the missing person George has been so worried about... Clay. Why was he at Clays house. That also explains the reason the room and hoodie looked so similar.

   Clay cleared his throat, "You should take the ibuprofen, I already know you have a bad headache." He added a light chuckle along with it.

  George looked over at it and grabbed it swallowing it with the water, along with chugging the water with it.

  "What happened last night?" George asked quietly. This headache hurt so badly he couldn't even talk. His voice was raspy and soft.

  Clay walked over a sat on the edge of the bed, " last night at the party you were dancing, and you may have grabbed me and danced with me before falling asleep on my.. chest" Clay was quiet and hesitant on the last word. Like he was embarrassed to admit it.

  George tried to refresh his memory and catching the glimpses of the night before. His favorite song came on so he wobbled to the dance floor and danced before having someone trying to talk to him. He grabbed the person and snuggled into their chest. That person was Clay.

   George couldn't help but get flustered about it. He really did that, when he was drunk as well.  George looked down at the hoodie and his cheeks heated up even more than before, he was sleeping in Clays hoodie that smelt like him, and he enjoyed it.

  Clay noticed George look down at the hoodie and the way his cheeks became more pink. "U-uh your clothes smelt of beer and sweat so I thought I should change them, don't worry I didn't see much, you changed you pants yourself before I slipped the hoodie on." Clays cheeks were bright pink matching with George's after explaining.

  A slight awkward silence fell between them. Both waiting for the other to say something.

  "Where have you been? I've tried to contact you for the past couple of days" George pleaded. He was sad that after all this time that Clay disappeared he just showed up and didn't really explain anything. Though he was only gone for a couple of days George was still hurt. He had felt so guilty after yelling at Clay that one day and he was left to anxiously wait.

  Clay gulped before tapping is foot on the floor lightly, "after our... talk I went to see Azzy. I apologized about my action but I broke it off with her and I guess I've felt... guilty about it so I took a couple of days." Clay said after some gaps of thinking. George went quiet after that, he didn't know what to think.

  "Okay..." George didn't know how to reply. He felt bad for Azzy but it was best that Clay chose something to stop causing her so much pain.

  "Why did you keep distant from her in the first place?" George was hesitant to ask but he was curious. "I found something about myself that just, occupied my mind instead of thinking about her" Clay relaxed a little almost seeming tense but also good to finally say that. What did he find out.

  George didn't want to push anything though so he just nodded his head, showing that he understood.

  "I made breakfast if you would want any, I just though you would be hungry after drinking last night and coming home and throwing it all up" Clay chuckled sounding more happier.

   George couldn't help but smile, nodding his head. Even in the most awkward of situations Clay could make him smile. The thing is, even though he hasn't known own Clay very long, he is one of George's friends so he can't stay angry at him for very long.

   Clay shot him a small smile before getting up and leaving the room closing the door almost all the way leaving a gap probably for George to get out easily. George grabbed his phone to find it blown up from texts. From Quackity and Karl and plenty from Sapnap. All of them apologizing in losing George and  making sure he was safe. Sapnap was the worst of them all, begging for forgiveness for not responding to George. He snickered responding to all of them saying that it was okay and that he is back home.

  He didn't tell them he was at Clays in hopes of saving himself from getting picked on but whatever. It's just safer to say he was home anyway. He got up and made his way downstairs smelling the sweet smell of breakfast. French toast and so much more were laid out. Clay made a whole damn buffet.

   George and Clay ate silently next to each other before Clay finished first and started to wash dishes.

   After that George just wanted to go home. Saying a quick thank you and "see you at school" to Clay he slipped on his shoes, walking a couple of houses down to his home and going up into his room.

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