Chapter 6

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    After the traumatic encounter George was left on the floor. He was just laying there his face hurt though. When he was pushed back down again he thinks he banged his head because now is head is throbbing. So after making sure Maz and Clay left he got up and started to go out.

He didn't know how to get home. Of course the bus was gone and he lived blocks away. He just signed and made his way home waiting to just jump onto his bed and sleep until this day became over. George put in his headphones and just let the music distract him from the pain in his legs from walking and his face which he just knew was bruised. He forgot what happened during the encounter but he is pretty sure he got punched a bit.

   George walked until he was in front of his door. He checked his phone as he entered to find it was 5:30, he had took so long to get home.

   Why did this have to happen. It was only Monday, and George has been to school for only about two months. He knew he should have not talked to anyone, stick to his loser lonely self. George is staring at himself in the mirror, right a the big bruise was left on his cheek.

     George wasn't hungry either which would not help his already weak body. He has only eaten the sandwich from Clay but he just was so tired that he didnt even care about anything else. So George flopped himself into his bed and just slept.

   Morning. The next day, he was not looking forward to it. George was laying in his bed not even caring about getting ready. But alas he drags his ass out of bed and slowly gets ready. Making sure to grab his lunch this time before waking down to the bus stop.

    He sees Quackity already waiting there. "Holy shit George what happened to your face" Quackity exclaimed as he noticed George walking down.

    George had completely forgotten about the bruise on his face. He studders at first trying to explain something before just shaking his head and waiting beside Quackity.

    After a moment of awkward silence Quackity spoke up once again, "Did someone do this to you?" George looks over at him to see Quackity giving him worried eyes. George didn't want to tell him about what Clay and Maz but he was so lost in his head he didn't even notice himself nodding.

  "I Knew It" Quackity exclaims "Who did it too you! Tell me"

    George looked scared but he just kept shaking his head. Thankfully the bus came right in time but that didn't stop Quackity.

   "We are talking about this as soon as we get to school" Quackity whispered to him. George just wished he would leave it alone but it was Quackity we were talking about, this man does not give up on anything.

     When they arrive at school as soon as George gets off the bus he is grabbed by the wrist and dragged to a men's bathroom.

   "Now George talk to me Please, it's not good that you are getting hurt you know"  George just stares at him thinking if he should tell him or not. Would Quackity even believe him? George huffs, he mutters a quick "Clay and Maz" before looking Quackity straight in the eyes.

   George could see the anger that came off of Quackity as soon as he said that. "Those fuckers" Quackity left speed walking. George could hear Quackity talking to someone though and looked out to see Quackity talking to Sapnap and pointing to him. Sapnaps jaw clenched as soon as he hears what Clay and Maz did. The bell went off so they went to there class.

George followed Sapnap into Social Studies, waiting for Sapnap to try to talk with him and wanting to know all the details but he didn't. They sat there the whole period and there were no questions. George was scared though, he had already said something that could get him into more trouble with Maz and Clay but he also did feel better with Sapnap knowing.

   He went to the rest of his classes. The last period before lunch before he would feel protected by Sapnap once again. George only had first period and the last 4 with Sapnap. The other periods of course had Maz and some had Clay as well. But during the rest of the classes in the morning he could feel Maz staring at him like a hawk. But if George pushed through this one last class he would be with his friends once again.

    As soon as that bell went off George dashed to the cafeteria. Making his way to the table in the corner like always he sits in his seat and keeps his eyes on his phone even as someone sat down. After a minute he saw that the person was not Karl or Sam it was Clay. Shit. George sucked in a breath and held it praying that someone else would come the the table. He kept glancing up at Clay while his leg bounced.

   At one perfect time George looked at Clay and they locked eyes, Clay looked at him with concern as he saw the bruise on George's face. His frown disappeared "George I'm-"

   "Clay get the fuck away from him" George turned around to see Sapnap with Karl and Quackity next to him. Clay just looks at them confused.

   "We know what you did to George yesterday with Maz" Sapnap speaks up right behind George basically being his bodyguard. "Guys I can explain" Clay pleaded.

   "No, we don't want to hear it Clay, go" George saw Clay nod and grab his stuff and get up. As the rest started to sit down George was staring at Clay leaving, he felt so guilty. But before leaving George saw Clay turn to him with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry" Clay choked out before speed walking out of the cafeteria

Words: 1019

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