Chapter 4

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Tw: small eating disorder that's brought up

Though weeks went by after George's first day, Clay still hates him. He has learned the other name of the boy at the table. The name being Sam (the boy with a little beard, also it's Awesamdude) and George had hung more with Karl and Quackity and is a good friend of them now.

   Currently he was laying in his bed. Staring at the ceiling, he loves his friends but he hates being with them sometimes. They always bring along Clay that bitch. The last time they hung out after school Clay pushed George into a lake saying that it was an accident. Clearly he did it on purpose though. That bitch Azzy is always saying that Clay will get used to him soon as well. Sure George thinks that Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity are cool. Hell even Sam is good even though he hasn't said a word to him yet.

George just doesn't understand why he hates him so much. George hangs out with them so much yet Clay hates him. At this point George hates him back as much.

The thing is Sapnap had invited him to a party for the next night. George doesn't know if he would go to this thing or not. He has never been invited to one before, will it be just like a one he sees in the movies? Though it was Friday night so he had time to thing about it he was still scared of the idea of going to one.

So as night roled around George was now blasting his music while cleaning his room. Weird change of attitude he is aware but he can't help it. He loves distractions from his own mind. He was picking up the things he left on his floor, cleaning his desk, dusting everything. As he made his way to his window though he saw something. Someone was outside watching him. What the hell, who was that and why are they watching him! George opened his window and yelled to them.

"Stop watching me you Stalker!" George was getting angry. He got even more frustrated as well when they didn't respond and instead started to sped walk away. George just decided to ignore the whole thing anyway.

    Saturday morning, George had the house to himself. George hadn't talked to his mother for weeks but he doesn't mind. He doesn't forgive her what she had put him through his growing years. George did his normal thing though. Made breakfast, watch tv, don't eat lunch though (he hates it), lastly go in your phone for the rest of the time. Today though was the night of the party, and George made his decision.

   George had decided to not go to the party. Currently he was on his bed alone after he had told Sapnap his news. George just didnt think that it would be worth it. He would much rather focus on his studies to get to a good college and start a good life, away from this one.

   So after a few hours, while George was sleeping he was interrupted my a knock on the front door. He wanted to see if his mom was home to answer it but when the knocks became louder he got up. Tiredly he saw Sapnap with a few others.

   "Hey George... so the party was pretty bad and we felt bad for leaving you out so we came here. Karl though maybe we could have a sleepover if we could?" Karl nodded his head eagerly going along with what Sap had said.

   "Uh you don't have to feel bad, I was the one who didn't want to go. But I mean I guess we could have a sleepover or whatever if you want my moms not home." George replied allowing them into the empty home. As he saw who was coming in he saw him. Ugh. Following behind Quackity who was behind Karl who was behind Sapnap was no one other than Clay. Clay gave his a scoff as he shoved George. What was this mans deal.

    George brings them to his room just in case his mom would come home for the first time, but he doubts it. George goes to his room to find them sitting on his bed laughing about something there talking about. Though the only thing that doesn't surprise him is to find Clay on the floor on his phone. The others hear him as he comes in and they spark you a conversation.

As the other talked and laughed, they had gotten George to start drinking the beer they had snuck in. George was not accepting the drinks until the other suckered him into drinking, now he is not even himself talking, his thoughts are just in control now.

"Hey George didn't know you had a nice house, seemed like someone who would want a smaller home." Sapnap says impressed. George just laughes, "yeah my dad owned it before he died." George didn't even notice what he said until everyone became quiet.

"Oh George I'm sorry for your loss" Karl finally speaks up after the awkward silence. "Oh no it's okay really, I parented myself while growing up and I turned out ... fine" he hesitated on the last part. Did he actually turn out fine though? He hates himself, how he looks, how he talks everything. That couldn't mean that he turned out fine.

Everyone ended up forgetting everything. They set up everything for the sleepover though. They decided that Sapnap and Karl would sleep on the air mattress , Quackity would sleep on the little couch in George's room. Lastly that left, Clay sleeping in the bed with George. Clay seemed at least a little angry at the idea but George was so tired that he didn't care where everyone went he just needed to go to bed.

George was under the covers basically out as Clay was trying to find a spot as far away from the other boy as he can. He just wanted to go home but the others dragged him with them. God Clay messed up so much that night as well he didn't even think he would sleep. But alas he got into bed and stared at the ceiling. He could feel the presence of the boy next to him but Clay didn't want to think about it in that moment. Trapped in his thoughts until he is saved by a arm wrapped around him. It's George's arm.

Clay can feel the heat rush to his face. He can't control it. As much as he hates the boy he actually thinks George is a good person. A person he would want to hang out with. He can't let George know that though, Clay has already kicked the boy for crying out loud. Clay needs to keep his reputation of the popular boy who has the "hot" girlfriend. He didn't even want her to be his girlfriend either. Yeah she was nice but not the one for him.

Clay just pushes his thoughts away to the arm draped over him. Focusing on the weight of the limb on him he is able to drift to sleep.

Words: 1208

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