Chapter 8

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The next day was a wild card. Based on what happened the other day made this one unknown. Sapnap had kicked Clay away from the table, but George and Clay got along in the end though.

The first few periods had gone well. Glares from Maz we're not ignored though. Those things burned straight through George's head and he knew it. He could sense the anger coming off from Maz as well. The only thing he could do though was ignore him.

The last bell went off making George slowly make his way to lunch. He didn't know what would happen today.

He made his way into the cafeteria and saw the table. Everyone was sitting there, even Clay. Well maybe they had just cleared everything up and everyone was well again. George hoped. He approached the table and sat into him seat.

Once he sat all eyes landed on him. "So George I heard that Clay explained what happened?" Quackity asked. George was confused but nodded his head.

Clay spoke up, "George one more time though, I'm so sorry I hope you can understand and... you know forgive me?" George just nodded his head once more, this time with a slight smile.

That was a faster clean up than George thought. He thought he just ruined all of there friendships with Clay but he really hadn't. I guess the group just couldn't hate Clay. Clay did explain himself though and explained the blackmail with Maz as well.

George ate his lunch only finding that he has lots of spare time. Guess he was hungry and ate fast. The only thing now is that he has to go to the bathroom. He excused himself and went into the halls making his way.

Once he finished his business, he came out only to hear some sort of crying. It was coming from the janitors closet. He didn't want to be intruding but he couldn't shake the felling if wanting to check it out. He approached the door and lightly knocked.

George heard the crying stop suddenly, then a voice. "Who is it?" They asked between sniffles. It sounded like a girl.

"Umm my name is George, are you okay?" He asked slowly. "George, you can come in" they said quietly. George slowly opened it to see Azzy on the floor, her face red and eyes teary.

"Azzy what is the matter, are you hurt?" George rushed it wanting to make sure one of his friends didn't get hurt or anything. "No I'm not hurt... it's just me and Clay recently." Oh

"Do you want to talk about it" George felt bad. What had happened to them? "Well, me and Clay have been so distant lately. I just feel like he has lost feelings. I feel like I also know that he could like someone else. Not me, not anymore" she said with a quiet laugh.

"I'm so sorry, would you want me to talk with him. There is no way he doesn't like you anymore. Your a really good person Azzy, I just think that you are seeing wrong. Clay really likes you."

"George you really are blind huh" She smiled and layed her head against the wall. "What do you mean" George hadn't known what she meant.

She took a deep breath "it's nothing just go back to lunch, I'll make my way there when I feel better, yeah?" She and George stood up. George sighed and nodded not wanting to bother her anymore. He went to the door opening slowly before slipping out and going back to the others.

As soon as he sat down Clay looked over at him. "Are you okay? You were gone for a bit" Clay seemed concerned. "Can we talk?" George just wanted to talk to him about Azzy though.

Him and Clay snuck away to the halls. Clay looked at George waiting for him to talk. George on the other hand was trying to think of what to say. George had never confronted someone of something other than his mother but nobody that he was friends with.

"You broke Azzys heart" George spit out angerly. He hadn't meant to but he saw the confusion twist onto Clays face. "Broke Azzys heart? What?" Clay was honestly confused. George took big breath.

   "Azzy feels like you have lost feelings for her. And are you  actually liking someone else while dating her, really? Your going to put her through that. I understand if you were to lose feelings for someone but then going out and talking to someone else is horrible." George was angry. He really hopes Clay is not putting Azzy through that. Was that why Azzy had been sader or even not showing up anymore?

  "George, yes me and Azzy have been more distant but that doesn't mean I have lost all feelings for her. It's just that you wouldn't understand. It's personal, I really think that Azzy is a good person. Just maybe not for me." Clay was quiet now, staring down at his shoes after that. Clay had never wanted to be put in this situation.

   George scoffed Clay had really done it. He had actually done that to Azzy. "Well I think that you should suck it up and do something about it. If you'd still like her talk to her. If you just don't like her much anymore don't put her to suffer like this anymore, break up. I don't want to force it on you but I don't want you hurting her" after George sternly said that he saw Clay nod. The bell went off. George went to grab his bag before going to his next class.

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