Chapter 1

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As I finished observing the two beings the man spoke, "I am Chronos, the primordial of time and this here," he says gesturing to the lady, "is Ananke, the primordial of inevitability."

I nodded at them and asked, "What can I do for you assuming it has nothing to do with the other three primordials I have encountered?"

Chronos chuckled and replied, "We wish to right the wrongs that our nieces have thrust upon you. In other words we wish to send you back in time and take your life thread from the Fates so you may do as you please." I stood there blinking at them. "You will have three days to prepare. If you wish to go back by the time the three days are up then be prepared for a travel. You will be transported to the start of the school year at Yancy. Good luck. Choose wisely." With that they both vanished in a swirl of wind that picked up the dust and sent it off into the distance.

I pivoted on my foot and ran to the big house. I looked for Chiron and eventually found him in the games room in his wheelchair for some reason. I rushed over to him and told him what had happened, barely taking a breath. "Calm down Percy," Chiron said.

"What do you think I should do?" I asked and my father figure went deep into thought. "I believe that it should be your decision and yours alone. Just think of the positives and negatives and what you can accomplish," he said. "Use your three days wisely." Noticing the dismissal I turned and left, not noticing the happy smile that was gracing Chiron's face as I left.

Over the next three days I spent my time in my cabin thinking of what I should do. I made a list of what I could change. In the end I decided to go with it.

I sat upon halfblood hill gazing over the bloodied plain below. As I did the last words Annabeth spoke rang in my ears, "Percy I loved you as a brother. Luke..." she trailed off as she died of the wound in her stomach. Looking back on it I can see that our relationship would never really work out. At the time all I felt was empty as I felt her personally reject me. I took til now to realise that I never really loved her in that way either.

"What are you doing up here all alone?" Asked a voice that faded into existence a few meters away. I replied with a simple, "I'm leaving." Nico nodded and it was in that moment, as the sunlight hit him that I truly appreciated just how handsome he was. His black hair and his black clothes that hugged his lithe frame perfectly. On his shirt written in white were the words 'Sarcasm is like hitting people in the face but with words'.

"Before you go. I wanted to give you this," Nico slid off his skeleton head ring. He held it out to me and I took it and slid it onto my own finger. And if Nico had noticed that I slid it onto my left ring finger he never commented on it.

I started to feel a faint tugging in my gut. With that a portal opened below me and I fell through. The last thing I saw was Nico's face.

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