Chapter 14

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The letters of the sign seemed to glare down at us. I tried to contain my excitement of meeting Nico again. We strolled through the front door. The inside was extravagantly decorated. White pillars with gold vines decorated the sides and marble decorated the foyer. Benches were dotted around. A man came up to us and said, "You look tired. Here come and rest with us. Here are your membership cards and room keys. Luke and Annabeth had dazed looks on their faces. They accepted the cards and keys without complaint. They wandered off to the elevator. They disappeared into the elevator. I then asked the man, "I'm looking for my cousins. Bianca and Nico Di'Angelo. Do you know where they are?" The man narrowed his eyes and gave me a suspicious look. He waved his hand and a robot came over. "This robot will lead you to your cousins." I nodded. I followed the robot to the elevator. We ascended in silence. We left the elevator and the robot stopped in front of a room. Before I knocked on the door I heard a voice in my head, "Do you wish to give him his memories back now?" I hesitated. I nodded and Ananke said, "Good. He will regain his memories when he looks at you." I built up my courage and released a sigh. I knocked on the door. 

After a while, the door creaked open and I saw Bianca's face there. "Can I speak to your brother?" I asked. Bianca looked at me cautiously. She called over her shoulder, "Fratello, qualcuno vuole parlare con te." (Brother, someone wants to talk to you.) I heard footsteps and Nico stepped around his sister and looked at me. He gasped and stared at me. He launched at me and enveloped me in a hug. I chuckled and hugged him back. It felt natural to hold Nico like this. His cold body melted into mine. I leaned down and kissed his forehead. I saw him blush. I chuckled again, Nico's small body jostling due to my laughter. "What is going on here?" Bianca demanded. I saw Nico pale. He turned around and launched himself at the sister he hadn't seen in three or so years. Bianca stumbled back, not expecting her younger brother to launch himself at her. I smiled at them I walked in and closed the door behind me. Nico got off of Bianca and walked over to me. I sat on the bed that was in the centre of the room. Nico came over to me and sat on my lap. I wrapped my arms around him and put my chin on his head. Chronos' voice filled my head again, "Feel free to give Bianca her memories back." I inclined my head and Bianca gasped. She came up and dragged Nico out of my hold and hugged him. After a few minutes they pulled apart.

Nico came and sat back on my lap. My arms circled his waist once more. Nico spoke up, "I'm going to assume you know why we're back in the Lotus Hotel?" I sighed and explained everything to them. Bianca took a bit longer as we had to explain everything that happened after her death. Nico turned around kissed my right on the lips. I was not expecting that. I never even told him I liked him. He obviously saw the chance and took it. I kissed him back. I heard a throat being cleared and both Nico and I blushed. We had been making out in front of his sister. There was an amused grin on Bianca's face. After talking for a bit longer we decided it was time to leave this hotel. I dragged Annabeth away from a building simulation and Nico dragged Luke away from a sword fighting contest. We met back in the lobby. By this time Annabeth and Luke were snapped out of their dazes. We walked out of the hotel. I, just like last time, walked over to a newspaper stand. I saw that it was June twentieth. We, once again had one day to give Hades his helm, give Zeus his bolt and get this dam quest over and done with. "Who are these two?" I heard Luke ask. I looked over at him. "These two are the children of Hades. They will be a bargaining chip so we can enter the underworld." Nico gained a hurt look. I just squeezed his hand. Just like last time we hopped in a cab. We barely fit. We eventually made it to Santa Monica Pier at sunset. I strolled straight into the ocean. Everything went the same as last time.

After paying a visit to my brother Procrustes and promptly decapitating him, we found DOA. We strode up the front desk. Charon squinted at us. "You are not dead," he stated. I merely rose an eyebrow. "We want passage to the underworld." When Charon looked ready to refuse I added, "We also have two of his children with us." Charon paled. He quickly cleared the boat and gestured for us to hop on. We made it to Cerberus. His three heads dominating the sky and his teeth glinting off some light source. His tail was whipping around, looking for alive people. I merely grabbed Nico's hand. Nico grabbed Annabeth's hand and Bianca's hand. We melted into shadows. We came out. In front of us was Hades, sitting on his throne of darkness.

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