Chapter 23

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Many people gasped at Thalia. I studied her. She wasn't like she was last time. Her eyes were cold as ice and her posture spoke of anger. This was similar to what Luke looked like in the first lifetime. I sighed, already knowing what would happen. "I knew I shouldn't have given the dam fleece to you," I stated. Many people looked at me. Thalia merely looked at me, cold anger in her eyes. A smell of ozone filled the air before a lightning bolt came crashing down. I manipulated the water in the air to form a shield. The lightning struck the water and slowly disappeared. I froze the water and shot the ice at her. Thalia flipped over it and the ice embedded itself in the ground. "You do realise that Kronos is at least as bad as the gods, if not worse. You will only be a vessel to him. An expendable pawn," I stated. Thalia narrowed her eyes at me and another lightning bolt shot at me. I leaned to the side, dodging it. Thalia whirled around and fled the amphitheatre. I watched her go, my memories playing on loop. Chiron watched the entire confrontation with sad eyes. Many of the demigods turned to look at me, demanding an explanation. "Thalia has joined Kronos. Kronos was probably sending her dreams. She probably agreed to join him in exchange for revenge. The Fleece healed her too well. Now she will probably become Kronos' host," I explained.

"We're doomed!" yelled a random demigod. There was a muttering of agreements. I knew that many demigods would join Kronos. He had dealt a heavy blow by taking Thalia. "Are you all idiots? We have three children of the big three. We will win this war," shouted Clarisse. There was a smattering of applause at that. Nico came up and grabbed my hand. He pulled us into the shadows. We appeared in the Poseidon cabin. I collapsed onto the bed. Nico pulled me onto his lap and stroked my hair. I fell asleep to the comforting presence of Nico.

Over the next few weeks, the numbers at camp dwindled as demigods turned over to Kronos' side. Then break came along and the number of demigods dropped even more. I felt like we wouldn't see many demigods after the break. Nico, Bianca and I trained tirelessly. Soon Nico could also summon up gems. Of course, nowhere near the extent to that Hazel could when she was around but he could do it. Bianca mastered her gem summoning abilities. She was starting to learn about shadow manipulation. Nico had control over the dead and the shadows. Meanwhile, Bianca had control over the gems and the shadows. They made a very dangerous combination in battle. I had asked Beckendorf to make me a replica of Riptide. I wanted to learn double wielding. In the meantime, I practised with a dagger that I had grabbed from the shed. I went looking for Katropis but I couldn't find it. I guessed that it wouldn't let me find it. 

It took a week for Beckendorf to make my new sword. When he asked me the type of object I wanted it to transform into I requested for it to be an infinite notepad. Beckendorf smirked at the challenge. He had ended up asking a dryad for the paper. If I ever ran out, I would just have to visit that dryad, Pauline, for more paper. I could now jot down any ideas that I had. To activate it, I had to press the omega symbol on the back of the notepad. It would then transform into a sword identical to Riptide. One difference was that it had τσουνάμι (tsunami) engraved on the side. I then spent the next few months training in my new way of fighting. I picked a few tips from Chiron. But most of it was based on my experience in fighting. It took until the following summer for me to master it. I was starting to beat Nico in fighting with my two swords. It took a fair while to get used to but I was starting to get used to fighting like this. It wasn't until the hunters arrived that I realised how much time had passed. There are still fewer demigods than last year. Many had defected to Kronos' side.

The hunting horn sounded as the hunters arrived. Nico and I stood back and watched as the hunters entered the camp. Artemis was leading them. Her eyes swept through the crowd and locked onto me. She and the hunters strode towards me. "What is it that Artemis requires of me?" I asked, boredom filling my tone. Nico slipped his hand into mine, offering silent support. "I want you to tell me where all of the campers are," Artemis said, her chin lifting imperiously. 

"They joined Kronos. Pretty obvious if you ask me," I stated. I felt Nico stiffen next to me. "How dare you speak to our lady like that boy!" exclaimed one of the hunters. I rose an eyebrow and looked at Artemis. "If you are going to hunt that creature, please do be cautious. The enemy would love to capture you. the General has been released from his prison," I stated blandly. This caused Artemis to stiffen. "How did you know that boy?" Artemis demanded. I merely smiled at her and walked off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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