Chapter 16

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I stalked out of the throne room. I passed the others. They wordlessly followed me. Nico was still unconscious. We went into the elevator. It was then that a move was made. A dagger was drawn and shoved at my back. Instead, I was shoved against the wall. I turned around and saw Luke had pushed me. A dagger was going through his chest. I recognised the dagger as Annabeth's. Luke coughed up blood. It spayed over Annabeth. I didn't bother to draw Riptide, knowing that it would be useless in the elevator. Annabeth withdrew the dagger and blood came spraying out of Luke's chest. I charged Annabeth. She manoeuvred the dagger so it would stab me. I stepped around it and knocked it out of her hand. I pressed my arm against her throat and asked, "Why?" Annabeth just glared at me spitefully. She spat in my face. She started to glow. I released her and closed my eyes. She disappeared in a flash and I was left alone with a corpse, my sleeping boyfriend and his sister. I knew we were getting close to the bottom of the Empire State Building. With a click of my fingers, I manipulated the Mist so people would see an asleep dog instead of a very dead person. I then prayed to Hermes, "Look you may not like me but your lovely son was just killed by Annabeth." When nothing happened I groaned. "Typical," I thought. "Of course, they don't turn up." As I was thinking that Hermes appeared. He saw Luke and collapsed to the floor of the elevator. He picked up Luke's body. A golden glow surrounded us and I felt my body hurtling through space. I groaned and opened my eyes. I was back in the throne room.

Bianca and Nico we next to me. Nico seemed to be awake. I groaned and sat on the floor in a crossed-legged position. I saw Hermes crying over Luke's body. The gods were staring at us. Zeus spoke up, "Why did you kill the boy?" He rose his Master Bolt. I spoke up, "I swear on the river Styx neither I nor Bianca or Nico killed Luke. I also swear that it was Annabeth who killed him." Thunder sounded confirming my oath. Zeus lowered his bolt and Ares looked disappointed by the lack of bloodshed. Athena gasped and a spear shot into her hands. She lunged at me shouting, "How dare you accuse my daughter of such a thing!" I moved to the side and the spear whistled past my ear. I reached up and grabbed it. Without even getting up I flipped Athena over my shoulder. She landed with a thump on the ground behind me. Athena groaned and rose up. She charged me again. She threw her spear at me. I fell flat on my back to avoid it. Athena was over me. She rose her foot to crunch my skull in and I rolled to the side. The stomp cracked the marble. Another spear appeared in her hand and Aegis on her other arm. Going through Tartarus really changes one. I didn't even flinch as I laid eyes upon Medusa. I dodged the spear. I uncapped Riptide. Athena hesitated a bit before she attacked again. "I swore on the river Styx that it was Annabeth and not either me or the siblings over there. Yet you still attack me?" I said as I dodged all of Athena's attacks. This gave her pause. I stared at her and stated, "Your hubris will forever get the best of you, Athena. You would be best to reign it in." Athena snarled and came at me again. In a flash, I dodged the spear swipe. I ducked under her shield and held Riptide to her throat. Athena gulped. I lifted Riptide and capped it. Athena cautiously sat back down on her throne. I went over to Nico and sat down, dragging him down into my lap. I rested my head on his shoulder. Nico blushed a beet red at the public declaration of our status. Bianca sat down next to me.

After a while of sitting in silence, listening to Hermes heartbreaking sobs, Zeus spoke up, "Tell us what happened Poseidon spawn." I rolled my eyes but recapped what had happened in the elevator. Hermes' eyes were flashing as I told them the story. Hermes hopped out of his seat and demanded, "We must go after her! She killed my son and is a traitor." Vines were suddenly curled around his waist. Hermes was forced to sit back down. I looked over and saw Dionysus curling his fingers to manipulate the vines. "You know the rules, Hermes! We aren't allowed to directly interfere with the world of mortals," Zeus stated, trying to sound kingly. I scoffed. "So you can knock a woman up but you can't do anything after that? What a stupid rule. It's a miracle that Olympus even has any allies in the demigod faction if this is how you treat them," I spoke. I saw sadness in eyes of gods like Apollo and Hermes. Anger and fury echoed in other gods eyes. "You can't deny that Kronos is rising at this point. I'm sure Hades can confirm this. You lot are just too foolish. Do you truly believe that if you ignore Kronos he will just disappear?" When I received no answer from Zeus I scoffed. I seemed to be doing that a lot today. Nico spoke up, "Ignoring Kronos is like ignoring a dagger going straight to your head. If you ignore it the dagger won't just magically go away. You are just going to get hit. If you don't ignore it you can dodge it or deflect it. In this case, you can prepare for an all-out war that will be knocking on your doors within the next four years." I rewarded Nico with a small kiss to the back of his neck. Nico blushed a bright red. He turned and smacked me. "Would you cut that out!" he demanded. I merely smirked at him, enjoying how responsive he was. I could see Aphrodite making googly eyes at us.

Shadows lengthened across the throne room. "You called brother?" came a voice from the darkness. I rolled my eyes and whispered to Nico, "I can definitely see that he is related to Zeus." Nico quietly snickered. "Ah yes," Poseidon spoke up, "We were wondering if you can confirm the fact that Kronos is rising." There was silence while Hades strolled into the light. "He has indeed started rising. Why do I have a feeling that you needed these demigods to point this out?" Hades said while gesturing at us. Athena looked between us and Hades. And again. And again. Eventually, she spoke, "You broke your oath?" Hades sighed. Zeus reached over and grabbed his Master Bolt. He aimed it at us. A trident was at Zeus' throat. "Do that and you lose your head," Poseidon said. "Besides," I supplied, "he is the only one of your three to not have broken his oath. These two were born before World War Two. After you killed their mother because you feared a prophecy Hades stuck the two in the Lotus Hotel, thus freezing them in time. Besides I'm the current child of the prophecy. Unless Thalia was to wake up." Nico snorted and laid his head against my chest. I reached up and started running my fingers through his hair. Nico practically melted into me when I did this. Zeus hesitantly lowered his bolt. I ordered it to give him a shock. It was quite amusing to hear Zeus yelp and drop his bolt. "But in any case. I suggest you announce the news of Annabeth being a traitor. Then you can prepare camp for war," I said. This made me wonder about the state of Camp Jupiter. Zeus slowly nodded. With a decisive air, he rose from his throne. "Come my brethren we must prepare for war." He said this like I wasn't the one who suggested it.

In a flash, we were in Camp Half-blood. Zeus thundered, "Demigods! We have news for you!" Chiron came out of the Big House and demigods came running from all directions. Once all the demigods were assembled Zeus started speaking, "We have news that Kronos is rising. You will all be preparing for war." At this, all Hades broke loose. Demigods started rioting and shouting accusations. Thunder rumbled across the sky and the demigods quietened down. "Now we also have news that Luke was killed. He was killed by a traitor, Annabeth Chase." Shouts started going everywhere. Poisonous words were being flung. And barbed wire made of letters slowly encroached around Athena and her spawn. And then just like that, the gods were gone. I groaned and removed Nico from my lap and stood up. I grabbed Nico's hand and pulled him up. I kept hold of him and shouted, "Silence!" Silence fell upon the campers. I then started my speech.

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