Chapter 3

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The field trip. The place where all my life problems began. As I was sitting on the bus on the way to the museum, I began twisting the ring Nico gave me. Suddenly a voice filled my head, "If you so desire it, when you meet your Nico you can give him the memories of the wars." I sat there debating what Chronos had said. On the entire trip there I was debating on whether or not to give Nico his memories or not.

On the bus trip over, Nancy started throwing her peanut butter sandwich at Grover. I was too lost in thought to really think about it. My mind was still going over the pros and cons of each scenario regarding Nico. In the end I didn't wish to ruin the innocence that Nico currently had. So I decided to leave the memory problem until later. It took the whole of the ride to reach this conclusion.

I followed Chiron into the museum, trying my hardest to blend in, hoping that Alecto decided to not to try and eat me for lunch. Of course Grover noticed that something was wrong, "Are you alright? You were very quiet on the ride over." I merely smiled at him grateful to have a friend even if we sort of faded apart after Hera's memory removal.

We went into the museum and we stopped at a stele. It depicted Kronos eating his children. Chiron stopped in front of the stele and asked us to describe it. I raised my hand to answer Chiron's question. "Yes Mr Jackson."
"This stele shows the story of Kronos eating his five children and a rock that was supposed to be Zeus," I responded. Chiron nodded and asked, "Now tell me why he ate his children Mr Jackson."

I thought over my response for a bit before replying with, "Kronos, after chopping up his father was cursed by him to have the same done to him by his own children. Fearing this curse Kronos ate his children. Rhea growing tired of this, tricked Kronos into eating a rock and hid Zeus away. Zeus then rescued the other gods in Kronos' stomach by feeding Kronos a mixture of mustard and wine. The gods were then vomited up and they left. After ten years of fighting the gods eventually won and chopped Kronos up into little pieces and chucked those pieces all over Tartarus."

Chiron was evidently surprised by my knowledge on the subject. Nancy just mumbled, "Like we will ever need this. This won't be on any resumes. How is this helpful at all?"

"Mr Jackson, to rephrase Miss Bobofit's question, could you please tell us why this could be helpful?" Chiron asked.

"It could be helpful to prevent history from repeating itself. Evidently Zeus didn't learn from the mistakes of his forefathers and ate his own girlfriend and child. The child was destined to become the next ruler of Olympus. Zeus being the idiot he is decided to swallow his child, hoping to prevent to prophecy. This failed and ended up with Athena springing out of Zeus' head." I replied, smirking slightly when I heard thunder in the distance. Chiron and Grover looked up at the sky, obviously expecting me to be blown to kingdom come.

Chiron got over his shock quickly and responded saying that I was correct. Mrs Dodds lead us back outside for lunch. The general class were acting like idiots. Grover was silent next to me, probably wondering how I knew all of this.

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