Chapter 7

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I came around to consciousness, light slowly filling my vision. I looked around and saw Will filling an IV bag with some more nectar. He noticed my awakening and stopped putting nectar into the IV bag. He came over with a square of ambrosia and told me to eat it. It still tasted of the homemade blue cookies. I noticed that a box was sitting on the table beside me. For the next hour Will checked me over, making sure I was okay before giving me the all clear.

I groaned as I got out of the bed, rolling my stiff muscles. I called to Will who was leaving the infirmary, "How long have I been here?" Will held up a single finger as he walked away. So less time than last. I twisted my ring, as I wandered around camp. I eventually made it to the big house. It was exactly the same as when I had left, big and blue. I walked inside and saw Mr D, Chiron, and Grover playing pinochle. "Ah you're up my boy," Chiron said. I nodded and sat down at a spare seat. We all sat in silence for a while, me twisting the ring Nico gave me, watching the other three play pinochle. Eventually, Chiron ended up winning. With this he turned to me and started on his explanation.

Time skip one explanation later

I sat there pretending to be stunned. "A-and my mother?" I asked, my voice cracking. Chiron sighed and stated that Hades might have her. I sat there. "Grover please show Percy around," Chiron demanded. Grover stood up shaking so much that his cards fell out of his hands. When Grover left the other two laid down their cards. At a quick glance I could see that Grover had won. I smiled and left, following Grover.

Grover showed me around the camp. Until Clarisse and her little posse came up to us. "Fresh recruitment I see," she said, sneering at us. I readied myself for an attack, determined to defend myself. Her and her friends came to me, obviously determined to give me an 'initiation'. I ducked under the first grab and kicked the next person off of me. I repeated this until only Clarisse was left. She hesitated before sneering, "This isn't over!" She ran off, her figurative tail tucked between her legs. The other campers on the ground groaned.

I walked back over to Grover and asked, "Where will I be staying?" Grover stared at me in shock before he walked us over to the Hermes cabin. He knocked on the door and Luke came out. "I have a new camper for you," Grover stated. Luke sized me up before asking, "Determined or undetermined?" I raised an eyebrow at that, completely forgetting the campers horrible condition. Grover said, "Undetermined." There was a soft groan from inside the cabin. After a while of talking to my new cabin mates I made a few friends. I avoided Luke, wondering if I could get him to change his path. The conch horn sounded and Luke shouted, "Eleven fall in!"

Dinner was a boisterous affair, with me talking to my new found friends. After a while at the campfire we went back to our cabins and fell sound asleep. I was surrounded by the noise of breathing. This made me wonder just how many of these lungs would exhale their last over the course of the next few years. I fell asleep. I would like to say I slept peacefully but that would be a complete lie.

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