Chapter 9

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We had the same teams as last time. Athena with Apollo and Hermes. Ares had teamed up with everyone else. Chiron stated all of the rules and let us get equipped for the game. I stuck on a helmet with a blue plume as to signify my team side but other than that I didn't put any armour on.

As we were walking Luke came up to me and said, "You'll be attacking with me. We will try to find the other flag and grab it. Be careful, they will have it guarded. We will win when we carry the flag across the river." I nodded and moved forward. We waited until the conch horn blew before attacking. Luke and I separated early to look for the flag.

After a bit of searching I found the flag in a tree. I climbed up to get and hopped down, sending a small dust cloud up. There were now a bunch Ares campers surrounding me. I saw Luke off in the distance, running towards me. A quick flick of my wrist had water, drawn from the surrounding air, creeping up their legs. I froze the water, thus freezing them in place. I dodged their wild swings and moved out. I ran towards the creek. I saw Clarisse also running towards the creek with the flag in hand. With another flick of my wrist the earth came up in front of her, blocking her path onwards. I piled on the speed. Clarisse moved around the barrier and ran off again. I crossed the creek just as Clarisse was coming within 10 metres of the creek. The red flag turned silver and the boar and spear were replaced by a caduceus. The entire blue team cheered and celebrated. While the red team groaned in disappointment.

I sensed a person come up behind me. I wasn't really sure how but I knew that someone was behind me. Annabeth appeared next to me, stuffing her Yankees cap in her pocket. "How did you do all that?" She asked. I raised an eyebrow. I then just shrugged because I had no clue how I did it. "I just knew I could do it," I responded. Annabeth gave me an analysing look before wandering off. Over the course of the rest of the night people came to congratulate me.

Then I heard a growl. I spun around, ice already appearing to defend myself. A hellhound jumped out of a nearby bush straight at me. I sent the ice directly at it. It dodged the ice and landed on the floor. I flicked a finger and a spear of earth shot out of the ground. It pierced the unsuspecting hellhound, turning it to dust. Everyone was staring at me. I sensed the calming presence of Poseidon and a gentle sea breeze. I looked up in time to see a glowing trident hovering above my head. The campers kneeled and Chiron blinked a bit before saying, "All hail Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, the Earthshaker, the Stormbringer, and the Father of Horses."

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