Chapter 5

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This time around I didn't bother with anything other than school. I focused in classes and passed by tests with B-, my best score yet. In Latin I got an A.

On the bus trip home I looked around. Grover was noticeably twitching and looking around. I decided to not point it out to him. He kept sniffing the air, most likely trying to smell monsters. Towards the end of the bus trip, Grover handed over a card saying where camp halfblood was. "This is a safe place for you in case you ever need to escape from home," he said. I merely nodded and accepted the card. This time the bus didn't break down. We went straight pass the fruit stand. I looked at it and saw the Fates.

However, they weren't knitting or cutting. They were sitting there waiting. I suspect that they can't do anything with my fate being out of their control. They will simply have to let me run my course and die before they can get back to  knitting the future.

This time I decided against ditching Grover. I waited for him at the bathroom. When he came out of the bathroom we got onto the bust towards my apartment. Then I remembered. I still had to deal with Smelly Gabe. I really needed to get Medusa's head ASAP.

We walked into the apartment. Gabe merely eyed us, not willing to say anything with a guest here. We waited in my room, waiting for my mum to come home. Eventually, my mum came home. She came into my room and saw Grover sitting on the bed and raised an eyebrow. Grover spoke first, "Kindly Ones attacked him. It isn't safe for him anymore." Sally looked resigned to my fate. Looking confused I asked, "What do you mean by Kindly One? Do you mean the demon grandmother that was disguised as Mrs Dodds or do you mean Mother Teresa?" Sally snorted as Grover looked perplexed.

"We mean Mrs Dodds." Sally said whilst Grover was still looking confused. "Anyways we best be off," Sally said to the two of us, jangling a set of keys that I knew belonged to the Camaro. With that she dragged us out of the apartment. Gabe was passed out drunk on the couch. Sally unlocked the Camaro. "Where are we going Mum?" I asked, pretending to be scared. Sally looked in the rear view mirror and sped off. Grover replied as we were heading towards camp, "We are heading to a camp for special people like you." As he said this two things flashed into my mind or more accurately two wishes. One to not encounter the Minotaur, and two to not watch the orientation film. I couldn't decide which was worse.

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