Chapter 19

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AN: What should I do for the trials? Any ideas? Could be absolutely anything.

The next morning we were ready to go. I had Riptide in my pocket and a backpack on my shoulders. I had ambrosia and nectar in the bag in case of injuries. I also had various types of non-perishable food. I also had changes of clothes and both mortal and immortal money. Nico and Bianca had backpacks similar to this. They were all waterproof. We made our way down to the beach, where Chiron was waiting. A boat was waiting further out in the water. Chiron cantered over and said, "The boat has been provided by your father, Percy. Good luck on your quest. Please return with the fleece in one piece." I nodded and shook his hand in goodbye. Using the water, I created ice that led to the boat. I walked across it just fine. Nico was constantly slipping all over the place. Nico tried to grab my hand to steady himself. I pushed him into Bianca. They toppled over and slid down the ice. I laughed as I walked over to them and hoisted them up. At least I would have but Nico dragged me down. I landed on Nico with a soft thump. He groaned and Bianca laughed at the two of us. Nico shoved me off of him and stood. Bianca used Nico as a climbing pole and lifted herself up. I stood up without any problems. Eventually, with a lot of slipping from Nico and Bianca, we made it to the ship. 

It was a nice cerulean colour. A quick flick of my hand had ropes flying and sails lifting. The groaning of a chain was heard as the anchor was lifted. A rope flew overboard and landed right in front of us. Groaning, we climbed up the rope and onto the deck of the ship. With a soft nudge from me, the ship got moving. The winds were picked up and blew into the sails and pushed the boat out of camp halfblood.  If any of us had looked back, we would have seen a soft smile on Chiron's face as he watched us leave.

We discovered food on the ship. There were various types of food. It was like walking into a supermarket. There were so many types of food. We also found our rooms and deposited our bags there. There were only two rooms. And while Nico and I could enter the bigger room that had a big hammock, we couldn't enter the smaller room that had only one hammock. Bianca could enter the small room but she couldn't enter the bigger room. When I discovered this I groaned out, "Poseidon!!" Bianca was snickering at Nico's red face. A soft sea breeze swept through the enclosed room and played with our hair. We had to endure teasing from Bianca for the rest of the day. We kept up our training. I was able to use my water powers out here to a better degree.

About a day into the course we were attacked. It was a miracle that we weren't attacked earlier. Nico, who was on guard duty, sounded the alarm. Bianca and I ran out of our rooms and up onto the deck. Nico was on the left of the deck, looking into the ocean. He was sent flying back into the railing on the side of the deck by a tentacle. I looked overboard and saw a giant octopus underwater. I heard a screech from above. I looked up and saw gryphons circling. They must have been sent here because they would never venture out this far from their nest. I assumed that Annabeth sent them to slow us down. I saw Nico get up and draw his sword. I gestured to Bianca and pointed at the gryphons. Bianca nodded and ran over to Nico and talked to him. I looked over the edge of the ship and saw the Kraken raising a tentacle, about to wrap it around the underside of the ship. I used the water to push it away. The gryphons swooped to me. I went to duck but an arrow pierced its side, driving it off course. Another arrow had it turn to dust. I shouted a thanks to Bianca. She merely nodded and nocked another arrow. The Kraken had raised another tentacle and was about to send it crashing onto the deck. I used water to push it out. This was going nowhere. I knew my sword wouldn't be able to do much against a monster this big. 

Then I had a lightbulb moment. It was a sea creature, monster or not. All sea creatures need to be in the water to survive. And I knew that octopi could survive out of the water for about twenty minutes. I hoped that due to it being big that it would die quicker. But knowing my luck it would be able to breathe fine. With a grand gesture, I had the Kraken bound up in ice, its tentacles useless. I created an ice platform and rose the Kraken out of the water. It was ginormous. Out of the water I was able to appreciate just how big it was. It was bigger than our boat. It took an extreme amount of effort to keep it chained up and suspended. I jumped into the ocean to refuel my energy. After about ten minutes I could sense the Kraken stop thrashing. After another five minutes, it turned to dust. I used the water to propel myself onto the boat. I saw that Nico and Bianca had taken care of the gryphons. My vision started to fade into black as soon as I hopped out of the water. I felt Nico lift me up and carry me to our room. Just before my entire world faded into black, I felt him give a kiss on the forehead. I fell into unconsciousness with a small smile on my face.

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