Chapter 21

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My vision faded into black as I grabbed the fleece. I felt my body freeze up and fall to the floor. I could feel all of this but I couldn't see anything. I could vaguely hear Nico and Bianca shouting at me. Their voices slowly faded into white noise. Soon my sense of feeling vanished. It felt like was floating in a cold empty void. I could sense anything. Slowly a scent started appearing. It smelt of the sea. A golden light appeared in the distance. I could feel the warmth that the light was generating. A figure came out of the light. My first thought was Apollo. The light seemed to shine around the figure. Then I realised that it was on four legs and a set of wings on its back. As it got closer I could see the figure clearer. It appeared to be a ram. It had golden wool, bronze feathers and curly horns. As it got closer, I could feel a floor appearing underneath me. I couldn't move but I could sense what was happening. Eventually, the ram with the golden wool got in front of me. I deduced that it must be the fleece, Chrysomallos. I felt my body move. I was standing in front of the ram, still unable to move. A voice echoed around the emptiness, "Everything comes at a price brother. I will heal your tree and flourish your lands. But in exchange, you must give me what I want. And before you ask what I want, I will tell you. You must go under a trial to make sure you are worthy of my true power." I remembered back to the prophecy, 'And trials you shall undergo'. It was most likely to be referring to this. I spoke up, "Very well. I agree to do this." A glint of malice appeared in Chrysomallos' eyes before it vanished. I would have dismissed it, but I knew not to dismiss things by now. A golden flash filled the room and the scenery changed.

I was back down in Tartarus. The red, poisonous air was swirling around me. In front of me stood Akhlys. A sea of poisons swirled around us. Annabeth stood on the edge of a cliff. Once again I felt my glass ball shatter. The poison shifted and flowed towards the goddess. Annabeth was whimpering on the edge of the cliff. The roaring of my blood blocked out any other sound. I drowned the goddess of poisons in her own poison. The scenery changed again. I was at the doors of death. Damasen was fighting Tartarus in the distance. Annabeth and I stood side by side, defending ourselves. Bob was standing at the button. Small Bob was next to Bob and was guarding them against attacks. This time around Damasen was backhanded away from Tartarus. Damasen flew into the distance and out of sight. With the giant gone, Tartarus set his sights upon Bob. The whirlpool that was Tartarus' face whirled. Bob was slowly sucked into his armour. Small Bob was then felled by a telekhine and a hellhound. The monsters parted around Tartarus. He stopped in front of us. A giant broadsword appeared in his hands. Tartarus hoisted the sword and swung downwards. Before it hit us the scene changed. 

Chrysomallos was standing on top of a hill. I walked up next to him. I sat down on the green grass. I looked up at the blue sky. I studied the clouds that were slowly making their way across the sky. We sat there for a while before Chrysomallos spoke up, "You have passed my test. You will do what is necessary to defend your friends but you do not fear death. You have a noble heart." A hint of malice flickered across the face of the ram. This time I definitely saw it. Chrysomallos spoke again, "You are worthy to access my full powers. You can now partially heal some wounds. Though they must be very minor. I will also gift all of the memories of this tree back to her." I nodded in acknowledgement. Another flash had me waking up. 

I woke up to see Nico concerned face leaning over me. When he saw my eyes open he gasped. "Don't do that ever again," he said while sobbing into my chest. I carded my fingers through his hair. I mumbled reassurances as I inhaled his scent. I looked over to see Bianca looking at us with a soft smile on her face. I opened my other arm and Bianca came over and laid in my arm, her head going to my chest. I felt us approaching Camp Half-blood. I asked, "How long was I out?" Nico was still muffling sobs into my chest so he couldn't answer. Bianca answered, "A couple of days. We are almost at camp." I nodded and spent the rest of the day comforting Nico. It was early into the night when I sensed another ship approaching. I looked over the edge of the ship and could see a cruise ship approaching. I assumed it wasn't an ordinary cruise ship. I alerted Nico and Bianca to the oncoming threat. The boat gradually got closer.

I could see dozens of monsters wandering around the deck. They were also demigods. They were all armed to the teeth. I tried to use my powers to capsize the ship. I felt an opposing force push me away. I stumbled from the force of the ship. Nico grabbed my arm to steady me. I wouldn't be able to manipulate the ocean. The presence felt familiar. I had sensed it in the last Titan war. "Oceanus," I hissed out. I could sense a wave come up to smack our boat. I blocked it. This presence wasn't that of Oceanus. I have met it though. I desperately thought about all of the sea gods I had met. I had narrowed it down to Phorcys, Keto, or Kymopoleia. Another wave reared up. This time I determined it to be Keto. This was not good. While I may be able to hold off either one of them if they were alone, I didn't stand a chance if they decided to come after us together. The only reason that we were in one piece was because they wanted the fleece. The cruise ship approached. I could see it was the Princess Andromeda. They eventually reached us. I could see the shore of Long Island Sound ahead.

The cruise ship glided along with us. Grappling hooks shot out and latched onto the side of the ship. Monsters and demigods crawled across. I saw shadows shoot at the monsters and demigods on the ropes. Despite our best efforts, the demigods came across. Annabeth came across. She walked up to us and asked, "Where is the fleece?" We just glared at her. Annabeth sighed and gestured at the demigods. They all split up and moved to find the fleece. I hoped that she didn't see the lump on my back, hidden under my shirt. Annabeth drew out her dagger. She pointed it at me. I pulled out Riptide. I uncapped it and launched myself at her. I saw Nico summon his sword and Bianca summon her knives.

The sound of fighting was heard around the ship. Swords clashing against swords. The occasional grunt as a person was hit. Annabeth was very skilled with her dagger. Unfortunately, I was her worst enemy. I knew her fighting like the back of my hand but she didn't know mine. After a lot of fighting, I had my sword pressed against Annabeth's throat. One look into Annabeth's eyes and I could see she wouldn't surrender information or her life. A quick flick of my wrist had blood running down her throat. I saw shock appearing in her eyes. I smiled sadly at the loss of one of my greatest friends. I looked at the others and saw that they faring fine. A few cuts and bruises but they were fine. The enemy demigods were laying in heaps on the ground. I could see that they were all dead. I used the moisture in the air to dump the bodies in the ocean. Massive waves battered against the ship. Keto and Oceanus were not happy with us. We were slowly approaching land. I looked over and saw the Princess Andromeda. I remembered that Blackjack was on that ship. But I knew that if tried to get there I would be killed by Oceanus and Keto. A quick nod from me had Nico and Bianca fading into shadows. I looked back at the cruise ship. Using all of my willpower I ripped the ship to pieces. As I fell into unconsciousness, I made my body fade into mist. I directed my body to camp and hoped that I would arrive in one piece.

AN: I will be going back to school tomorrow and it is a new school so I will not be able to update as regularly. And if I do update it may be via my phone so you may find multiple grammatical errors. Thanks for reading!

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