Chapter 18

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Throughout the rest of the year, the campers started getting fitter. They had drastically improved their endurance, speed and strength. Now they could fight for well over an hour with no breaks. The hunters had left some time through the year. I had learned a few new styles. I had also picked up a shield and trained with using that. I also started using a spear. Despite trying, I still sucked with a bow. I could now wield a spear and daggers. Not as well as Riptide but well enough to avoid my death if need be. I had also picked up a few neat tricks from studying the older hunters. They incorporated small tricks that had been lost throughout time into their fighting styles. I managed to pick up some of these tricks. Nico had been training Bianca in their powers. Bianca had perfected shadow travelling. She had control over riches in the ground. The two siblings perfectly represented the two spheres of power Hades had dominion over. Nico, due to his experience with Hazel, was able to teach some of the powers to Bianca. Both Nico and Bianca slept in the Poseidon cabin with me. Occasionally, either Nico or I would have a nightmare. We would comfort each other, trying to rid each other of our demons. Bianca had improved in her ability to use a bow and daggers. She was also able to summon up just about any type of gem at will. I also asked Chiron to teach me how to manipulate the Mist. I had some experience because of Hazel but it was very minimal. I was still struggling to manipulate it but I could do some tricks. I would never be able to reach the level of someone like Hazel or the Hecate campers but I might be able to go toe to toe with Thalia.

With it being summer, more campers were around. I had managed to make friends with most of the camp. I was able to connect with most of them because I knew things about them that no one else did due to me being from the future. I was now able to make icicles using the water vapour in the air. I was also able to make small rocks using the dust in the air. It was very difficult. The first time I tried, I passed out before I could even make a rock larger than my fingernail. I was lucky that Nico was there to catch me. Needless to say, I didn't practise that power too often. Nico was able to summon up legions of the undead. I visited my mother a few times. When I remembered that Gabe was still there, I quickly went and killed Medusa and gave her head to my mother. Sally made a couple of thousand dollars from the statue of the poker player. She always had blue cookies fresh out of the oven when I turned up. It made me wonder if she somehow had precognition. But some of my best times were when I took Nico on dates. We had been to a few places. I also introduced Nico to Sally. She was ecstatic that I finally had a partner. She and Nico had bonded very quickly.

Only a few days into the summer break. I was on my way to breakfast when I heard shouting. Nico and I made our way to Thalia's tree. The campers were gathered around the tree. Dionysus was there along with Chiron. Suddenly Dionysus declared, "Chiron! You must have poisoned the tree!" I along with the rest of the campers blinked at Dionysus. Made me wonder how the Hades he was a god, much less an Olympian. I walked through the throng of demigods. They parted to make way. Nico trailed behind me. "You could just swear on the river Styx that you didn't poison the tree Chiron," I stated, shaking my head at how lacking common sense was. Chiron proceeded to take the oath. Dionysus grumbled but relented and flashed away. I kneeled next to the tree. I tried to extract the poison. I managed to make it halt but that was all. It was too far in for me to remove. I used my power to slow it down. I rose back up. I shook my head and told Chiron, "The best I can do is slow it down," I turned and addressed the campers, "Head cabin meeting in ten minutes!"

Ten minutes later we were all gathered around the ping pong table. Me and Nico took our customary positions, leaning against the wall and holding hands. I leaned over and whispered to him, "You'll have to suggest the idea of the golden fleece." Nico inclined his head ever so slightly. Chiron started, "Do we have any ideas on who did this or how to stop it?" Silence reigned around the room. I spoke up, "I thought it would have been obvious. Annabeth is the one who poisoned Thalia's tree. It would weaken the borders and monsters could come rampaging in. But the best I can do is slow down the poison. As for stopping it, I have no clue." Nods were around seen throughout the room as everyone agreed with my point. "The golden fleece," Nico spoke. Despite expecting him to speak I still jumped along with everyone else in the room. "The golden fleece," he repeated, "It could be used to heal the tree." Chiron stroked his goatee. "That could work. It's just a question of where the fleece is. We need to get a prophecy. Percy if you would," Chiron said while gesturing to the attic. I nodded and squeezed Nico's hand and left. I made my way to the attic and opened the door and strolled in. I faced the Oracle and asked, "How do I get the golden fleece?"

The Angels you shall take

A mistake you shall make

A friend you shall forsake

To Polyphemus' lair, you shall go

The Titan Lord rises from down below

And trials you shall undergo

With those kind words of encouragement, I went back down the steps and back into the conference room.  I went to stand next to Nico. I then recited the prophecy to them. "All things considered it is a pretty clear prophecy. The first line means that I must take Nico and Bianca. Then the rest just happens as we go. We also have clear evidence that Kronos is rising." Chiron nods. Clarisse asked, "Where is Polyphemus's lair?"

Malcolm answered, "It is located in the Sea of Monsters, one of the most deadly places in our world." The campers slowly left the room, sensing that Chiron wanted to talk to me and Nico. "You'll be leaving tomorrow morning. We'll have transport ready for you. You better tell Bianca what is happening," Chiron stated. With a nod, we left to tell Bianca.

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