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 Naruto Uzumaki was a small village boy who was hated by his village.Sasuke was a little boy who had a great reputation, his brother Itachi works in the anbu with kakashi.Itachi and Kakashi are both 17,Naruto is 6 and Sasuke is 7.

Minato and kushina are both dead like in the anime.Naruto had the nine tails inside of him like in the anime too.Naruto lives in a small apartment and only ever go gets ramen from ichirakus ramen shop.Kakashi isn't a teacher yet so Naruto is still with iruka-chan training to get his ninja head band.

Naruto's only friends are shikamaru,kiba,choji,neji,and shino.

"Hey naruto!" Shouted shikamaru walking towards him with the rest of the group."Hey shika,how are you? Wanna treat me too ramen?" Questioned Naruto."Naruto we have class,your not gonna get your ninja head band if you skip class.You can't even make a clone.What a drag!" Shikamaru sighed in disappointment.

Naruto started walking towards the academy with the rest of the group while talking.Naruto started walking backwards not paying attention to whats in front of him.He keeps walking and then soon bumps into and dark haired boy."Hey watch it!" Shouted naruto "your the one that bumped into me,idiot!" "Tch come on guys lets go" said Naruto angrily.

(At the academy)
"Ok class we are partnering you up highest to lowest." Said Iruka "Sakura and Hinata.Kiba and shikamaru.Neji and choji.sasuke and...naruto." said iruka happily Naruto walked over to his friends "atleast you guys get to be together" Naruto said with a depressing sigh.He looked at sasuke talking to Neji and then after a few moments sasuke looked back.Naruto looked away quickly with a slightly visible blush."Ok class you guys are partnered up because we are doing a ninja essay/project.So you guys will like have to meet after school or something" Naruto and sasuke glared at eachother "Iruka-sensei" naruto said "can i switch partners,pleease?"

"Naruto what do you mean your with the best student in here other than neji he is the best." "Fine,whatever!"

(Later that day)
"Ok,class is over say bye to your partners and get your books and leave" "Naruto!" Sasuke shouted running towards Naruto "i'm coming over to your house" "wha-why?" Naruto asked with a hint of anger "because we aren't going to my house"
"Why?" Naruto said curisoly
"Because my mom will be like 'sasuke you brought over a new friend.Here let me make some snacks you guys go play' so no" Sasuke said,waiting for Naruto to lead the way to his house."Fiiiiiiiiine"Naruto said letting out a long sigh and then they starded walking.Naruto kept hiding behind Sasuke when they saw villagers.Everyone would wave at Sasuke while they were walking too.Sometimes he would stop and talk from a long distance but naruto kept tugging at his close if he stopped.

They finally stopped at a large apartment building."So this is were you and your parents live" Naruto looked down at the ground "y-yeah we a-all live here" he said,trying to keep back his tears."Lets go in HAHA" Naruto said with a big smile on his face.Sasuke saw tears going down Naruto's face but were almost unseen because his smile."yeah" Sasuke said almost in an angry tone but not loud.
They walked in the house and i was surprisingly clean knowing that Naruto lived here."Gosh your mom cleans alot huh?" Said Sasuke.Thats when Naruto stopped smiling and looked at the floor "No she doesn't,i clean actually." "Actually where are your parents Naruto?"

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