Getting to know one another

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"Actually where are you parents Naruto?" Sasuke said curiously.  That was Naruto's last straw "They- they're dead!" naruto said before running into his room with tears streaming down his face.Sasuke just stood there in shock still trying to load everything Naruto just said.Then he started walking towards Naruto's door.KNOCK KNOCK.

Naruto heard a knock on his door and then he heard A creak of the door being opened.He turned and saw Sasuke standing there by the door frame."What do you want?" Naruto said with tears filling his eyes,Sasuke starded walking towards Naruto slowly.He hopped on to Naruto's bed and starded scooting over to the top of the bed where Naruto was laying.He then looked at Naruto and opened his arms like he wanted a hug.Naruto just blinked and hesitated to crawl over to him.

He finally gave in and crawled over to Sasuke's arms and layed down.He layed down in between his legs with his head on Sasuke's upperchest.Sasuke was suprised that he gave in at first but then closed his arms and played with the blondie's hair.Naruto was half asleep when Sasuke asked "Naruto...could I sleep over?" "Sure Sasuke" "ok then i need to get up and call my mom" added Sasuke "noooo.Use the one on the side.old hokage put it there incase i needed to call him." Sasuke grabbed the phone and dialed his mom's number."Hey mom I'm staying the night at a friend's house.ok.yeah i have my bag. yea it's a boy .mom im seven im not gone try anything and he's a boy. ok bye" Sasuke hung up and then went back to playing with Naruto's hair.

(Over the years naruto became closer to sasuke.But then Itachi killed his whole clan.So now sasuke has his emo side,trust issues, and seperation anxiety.He lives with Naruto but diffrent rooms cause Sasuke thinks that if he is with Naruto 24/7 then Naruto will get tired of him.He has lot's of nightmares and Naruto only cares about him. But Naruto thinks that Sasuke will get tired of him.)

"Mmh no itachi stop please what did they do.Please" Sasuke was having a nightmare and Naruto rushed in the room to help him.He slammed the light on and woke him up.Sasuke was sweating and had tears in his eyes
"It's ok Sasuke,I'm here,your ok." Sasuke then grabbed naruto, viciously yanking him into the bed and hugged him.

Words: 400

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