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(I really hope you all enjoyed the first 2 this is my first time ever writing a story so please no hate)

(Naruto is now 13 and sasuke is 14)
Sasuke yanked Naruto into the bed and hugged him."Hey sasuke,your ok and you smell.Come on let's get you in the shower." "Ok" Naruto then got up helping Sasuke out of the bed and held his hand while walking towards the bathroom.Sasuke didn't let go of Naruto's hand untill he had to take his clothes off and get in the shower."Ok Sasuke im going out while you take a shower,ok?" "Mhm" Sasuke mumbled quietly.Naruto walked out and went to go get some new pj's for Sasuke for when he's done.

Sasuke finished his shower and got out.He put the towl around his waist and walked out.He saw the clothes on his bed and put them on.He walked out with his towl and went to knock on Naruto's door.KNOCK KNOCK."Hey naruto...can you dry my hair please?"
"Sure Sasuke-kun" Naruto walked out and sat Sasuke down on the couch.Sasuke turned on the Tv while Naruto was calmly massaging Sasuke's head.
(Mind you it's like 1:30 am in this)
"Sasuke im finished let's go to bed now" Naruto grabbed Sasuke's hand.Sasuke was "half asleep" so Naruto had to drag his big ass.Sasuke was right behind Naruto and he was beginning to "drift off to sleep" while he was walking.Sasuke let go of Naruto's hand and went right behind him and wrapped his arms around Naruto's waist and layed his head in the creves of Naruto's neck."Ah Sasuke come on.Wake up." He turned around and hugged Sasuke "Come on,I'll let you sleep with me" Sasuke bounced up from his fake sleep and starded sprinting to Naruto's room still holding his hand.He let go of Naruto's hand and jumped on the bed.
"Naruto,remeber seven years ago when you were crying and I opened my arms so you could hug me.That was the first time i ever felt that kind of affection." "Oh Sasuke you big emo baby" Naruto then jumped on the bed next to sasuke and closed his eyes.

Sasuke tapped Naruto's shoulder so he would turn around,Naruto turned around and Sasuke was in the same position he was when they first hugged.Naruto then climbed in between Sasuke's legs and layed his head on Sasuke's chest like he did 7 years ago.Sasuke rubbed Naruto's head and both Sasuke and Naruto both closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep.


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