Naruto's friends are dumb

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(That is my really hot friend gabi💅 up above)
They started playing mortal kombat and pack man.Naruto went in to his room,leaving Sasuke with them.
(Mind you they know about Sasuke's diagnosis) Sasuke then started looking around for Naruto but couldn't find him.He started breathing heavily and tears swelling up in his eye's.

They noticed and kept asking whats wrong
(Cause the have never seen what happens to him) "N-naru- Naruto" he said quietly while breathing really hard."Naruto!?" Questioned kiba while panicking,Sasuke shook his head yes and then they all went running and tumbling too Naruto's room."Naruto! Sasuke need you, hurry!!" Naruto got up and ran as fast as he could to Sasuke.

Naruto dragged him to his room as fast as he could."would you guys please go out?"        
They all walked out while Naruto hugged Sasuke as almost as tight as he could. Sasuke's vision was blury so he had to feel around to see who it was.he felt around and felt Naruto's head,He then pulled Naruto closer to him while hugging him.

"I left me" Sasuke said quietly "hell no,I would never leave you like that around people you barely know." Naruto said with a bit of anger but how would Naruto ever be mad at's not his fault for being like this so how could i ever blame him.Naruto got up while holding his hand and pulled Sasuke up out of bed.

Naruto dragged him out of the room and they walked out to the living room.Everyone looked at Sasuke and he hid behind him."guys...he doesn't like people staring at him" "oh sorry" everyone said "but thank god he's ok" choji said "yeah" Naruto said with a chuckle,they then went back to the video game.

Sasuke ran towards the couch and pulled Naruto with him.He than pulled Naruto to sit down so Naruto went to sit down next to Sasuke but Sasuke pulled him and he sat in between Sasuke's leg.Naruto was suprised at first but then didn't care.He layed back and relaxed.But then he felt Sasuke's you know what against him and began to turn into a tomato."Naruto,are u ok?" Sasuke said panicked while feeling his forhead.

"Yeah im fine" Naruto said with a bright smile but still midly blushing

(It's now 10:00 pm in this so)

"We're going to sleep on the floor,we are tired." Shikamaru said while yawning. "Ok shikamaru,and if you hear running and water and some crying just ignore it,ok?" Said Naruto

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