we should look at it a different way

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I was laying down in bed when I heard a big thump coming from the kitchen,I wanted to investigate because...I don't even know I just had a felling I should. I slip out of bed and get my slippers while walking out. I open the door as quietly as I can and tiptoe out,I look a tiny bit around the corner and see the back door is open. I walk over to it and then see a dark figure standing next to our sink,it then starts getting closer as I'm backing up,at this point I'm terrified and scared shitless. The creature reaches his hand at me and I open my eyes wide,I see hair that I am way to familiar with. Tears start flooding my eyes and he hugs me, I try my best to get out of his grip but he is too strong. I mean if he had the strength to kill our whole clan I'm pretty sure it's impossible to get out of his grip, I start sobbing as he starts whispering something but I can't here because of my sobs of pain he then backs up and flees out the back door again. I walk over to the counter where he was standing before and there was a piece of paper sitting there with a bloody knife, it was dark so it was hard to see.

It was his blood he used to write with, I ran to turn on the lights and then I made my way back to the note.
It said:

Dear Sasuke,
I love and miss u, if your reading this,I want to explain what happened that night I had to kill them or you would be in danger. Dad was terrible to you and I hated that,I wished to god he went to hell and for mom, I hope her the best in heaven away from the neglected person we have to call dad. I want u to be strong.
This is the last time you shall hear from me,I'm going to kill myself at the strike of midnight,tomorrow. I love and miss you
P.S have fun with your boyfriend;)

At this point I was balling my eyes out at the note,I folded it up and put it in my pocket so Naruto couldn't find it. I then heard bump and thump and I here our door slam open,I then see Naruto running towards me with the most worried look on his face. He hugged me and went to put me on the couch,he walked away and I started hyperventilating I was terrified. The only person I had left was Naruto,my brother can't even talk it anymore. Naruto. Naruto. I love him. He is the only thing I have left,I need to cherish it while it last cause we all know the love doesn't last forever. He comes back and snuggles on to me and as he rubbed my back my breathing then began to settle a bit and I was breathing normally again.I then started feeling my eyes get heavy like the want to fall asleep on him but I heard his heart beat bumping in his chest,is he ok? I look up at him and he looks deep in thought... I then just go to bed.

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