dinner with the hokage 2

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(thank u very much i appreciate the kindness so much

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(thank u very much i appreciate the kindness so much.I hope u all are having a wonderful day)
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RING RING. Naruto's watch began to go off meaning it was time to go to dinner with the hokage.

They got up and got there shoes on, right as Naruto got up Sasuke went and grabbed his hand. He didn't mind it and started walking towards the door. Sasuke then spoke "can i ride on your back?" Naruro just nodded in response

He jumped up on Naruto's back and continued walking towards the hokages tower.

Once they got to the tower there was the hokage waiting outside for them. "I can't have Thee Naruto uzumaki in my tower to trash it" old hokage chuckled.

Naruto nervously chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck.(i feel very bad because i can't remeber the Old man hokages real name,so im just going to call him 'kage',sorry :( i hope y'all can forgive me)

Kage then realizes that Sasuke is pretty close to Naruto,"I see u and Sasuke have matured and have gotten closer." Sasuke then jumps off Naruto's back and they start waking to ichiraku's ramen with Sasuke a bit behind him.

When they get they were about to walk inside when Kage whispered "So~ I see u and Sasuke boy have gotten closer" He winks when he says closer "it-" "I know a relationship when I see one Naruto,do i look that dumb?" Naruto flushed red and shook his head,they walked in to see Sasuke chowing down on ramen. "TEME! You didn't wait for me?" Naruto said with puppy eyes "Sorry Naruto-kun" and then they all sat down to eat. They had long conversations and caught up with what has happened over the years when Naruto couldn't keep out of trouble. Sasuke laughed when Kage brought up Naruto when he was little,he loved hearing about Naruto,the man he loved.

After their date with Kage,they went home to go to bed. It was now atleast 10:00,and Sasuke had so much fun. Sasuke didn't want the night to end because he was having so much fun,and he was with the hokage  so they had a lot more privileges then usually. They planned to do it the next day when Kage is done with work if he still is in the mood


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