keeping him close

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Naruto woke up and went to go make breakfast for himself and Sasuke.Sasuke then woke up a tiny bit after,he saw that Naruto wasn't there and started panicking.He was breathing heavily and his heart was beating really fast,his tears filling up his eyes.He was looking everywhere.Naruto then rushed in a soon as he heard Sasuke start to cry, "it's ok Sasuke.I'm here.Don't worry im not leaving you.It's ok." Sasuke starded calming down while Naruto was holding him in his arms.Naruto started laying down with Sasuke in his arms.

Sasuke was now asleep in Naruto's arms with his face against Naruto's upperchest.Sasuke's arms were wrapped around Naruto so he wouldn't leave him.Naruto was rubbing his back and playing with his hair.BEEP BEEP.

"Shit the food! Sasuke i got to get the food i'll be right back,ok?" Naruto said while trying to escape Sasuke's grasp "Ok" Sasuke mumbled quietly while realising Naruto.Naruto zoomed to the kitchen and turned off the oven as fast as he could.Sasuke walked up behind him and hugged him while playing his head in the creves of Naruto's neck.

Naruto turned around and hugged Sasuke back.Sasuke broke the hug and went to go sit down on the couch.He grabbed the remote and switched on the TV and changed the channel so he can play video game's.When Naruto finished the food he went and grabbed the controller from sasuke and then put the plate on his hands instead.

Sasuke scooted closer to Naruto on the couch and layed his head on Naruto's shoulder.

"Sasuke im trying to eat let me finish then you can do that,please? Im hungry." Sasuke just stared at him for a tiny second and the said "ok but just until your done eating." Sasuke got up and went to wash and load his dishes then grabbed Naruto's empty plate and did the same to his.

He then went and layed down on Naruto's lap as he was watching TV.

Naruto was rubbing Sasuke's face as the door rang.Sasuke sat up as Naruto got up to get the door.He opened the door and there was shikamaru,kiba,choji,neji,and rock lee with snacks,soda pop,video games,and scary movies."We're sleeping over!" yelled kiba as he barged in passed Naruto they all followed as he shut the door.They put in the video game and started playing mortal kombat and pack man.


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