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"Come on sasuke lets go home,ok?" Sasuke nodded obediently and followed behind Naruto back home

They ate some instint ramen and invited the big group of geeks over that included shikamaru,gaara,neji,choji,rock lee,kiba,shino,ino,sai,sakura,hinata,
and tenten.They all came with snacks and sleep over stuff.

"Hay narubay" said Sakura excitedly then Sasuke went up behind Naruto and hugged and said "my Naruto not your narubay" in a baby voice.He than placed his head in the creves of Naruto's neck "well you heard that sakura im his naruto not your narubay" he said while sticking his tounge out blowing raspberrys.They turned around to go back in the living room.

They played video games and watched TV the whole time while eating snacks and playing board games when they got bored.Then they started playing spin the bottle.(HEHE HAahA im evil)
Neji went first *spin spin* It landed on...TenTen.They kissed next was sakura *spin spin* It landed on...Hinata.They kissed next was Naruto's turn *spin spin* It landed in between Sasuke and shikamaru."You have to kiss both of them" ino said proudly (Not a ship between shika and naruto) so Naruto kissed shikamaru and Then got closer to Sasuke.(ima do this like in the show but Shikamaru means to push them) Shikamaru pushes Naruto's back and then Sasuke and naruto face's collide together.Sasuke fell back so Naruto fell on him.Naruto then immediately got up and sat right back up helping Sasuke up too."Dude shikamaru what was that for!?" Naruto shouted "it was an accident" Shikamaru said sarcastically. Then it was kibae's turn it landed on. . . SHINO! Kibas face was all red,he's had a crush on Shino for awhile,Shino had a tint of blush but his coat was blocking it. They kissed. Longer than usual. Hhhm sus. Then it became.      ROCKLEES AND GAARAS TURN,ROCK LEE SPUN THE BOTTLE AND IT LANDED IN BETWEEN SHIKIMARU AND GAARA. "PICK!" SAKURA YELLED. HE THEN SMASHED HIS FACE INTO GAARAS. "Am I that ugly?" Shikamaru asked. Everyone laughed at hin.

They finshed the game and went back to playing video games and watching movies.

(It is now 8:00 pm in this)
"Ok guys it's time to go to the fair" Hinata hollered.They where going out to the fair and weren't coming back till late."Naruto,Sasuke come!" She yelled "im trying to help sasuke dry his hair,he took a shower."

(With sasunaru)
"Hey Sasuke? Are you ok? You haven't been very talkative since you know..."
"Im fine Naruto! I just can't wait to got to the fair,i haven't been there in awhile" sasuke said happily "oh- ok!" He said still massaging sasuke head."ok Sasuke im finished,im gonna pick out a shirt for you to wear and then were leaving,ok?" He put on the shirt Naruto gave him and then they left.


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