#35 - 2021, a good year?

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It felt like yesterday was when we had a new year countdown. As the year 2021 finally draws to a closing end, I decided to reflect back on 2021 and like the title says, was it a good year? In my opinion, comparing 2021 to 2020, 2021 was a better year, considering what we have been through, 2021 was of course better, although not the best. Despite the positivity everyone had, we went through highs and lows. The highs were we shared some fun. The lows were new Covid variants, but whatever it was, we were always there for each other. Through the tiniest of tears shed to the biggest of natural disasters. 2021 was not the best, but it was fun.

Reflecting back on my 2021, it too wasn't the best, many times I have hoped that some things wouldn't have happened, but I am glad that it happened as well, I met a lot of friends from around the world, and this is a cliche but words can't describe how much I appreciate the friends I had, those from 1 day of friendship to 1 year of friendship. They meant a lot to me in times like Covid, I felt less lonely now that I have such friends. Now that 2022 is coming, I hope I will be able to spend more time with them.

Happy New Year and May you readers have a great 2022

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