Day 11 and Day 12

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Day 11- About New Years Eve

Ahhh New Years Eve, a day where one makes a resolution for next year, a day where you'll hear quotes on social media be "New year, new me", and I mean you can't blame them, its definitely a new year, an that plan on being the 'new me'. But we'll talk about the eve of new year. Why should we care about it? Well, at around this time, you would look back at what you did throughout the year. Relive the good memories you had, but during times like 2020 and 2021, we do want to relive these years, so coming new years eve, it would be the greatest thing we'll feel in quite sometime. But even tho it would be a good feeling, but it is sad to see 2 years passed by this quick. But its all for the better! Hope everyone have a great 2022!


Day 12 - About Pain

By definition, pain means a highly unpleasant physical sensation caused by illness or injury. That is, for example, you get into an accident and get hurt, that sort of pain. But rather than focusing on physical pain, we will be focusing on mental pain. How bad could mental pain be? Well, it usually depends on how bad the cause was, but it can be bad that it reaches dangerous levels! The causes are usually high amounts of stress, loneliness, abandonment, etc. Bad physical pain can also cause mental pain. Mental pain can lead to potential suicide, which no one wants and should be prevented. If ever you notice your friends have mental pain, it's best to approach them and assist them before it gets worst. If ever you get mental pain from social media, it's best to just turn off from social media and just take a break. And if things get serious immediately, please do a search for help immediately, contact a Suicide hotline if you need to. If you should, refer to Day 4 - About Loneliness. And always remember, life is very precious!

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