Chapter 60

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Charlie eventually let us leave after Han gently persuaded him with the offer of Chinese food, a musicals movie marathon and something else that he whispered directly into his year that I'm not 100% sure I want to know about. Whatever it was had him shoving us out of that apartment like he just found out we were carrying the Ebola virus in our pockets.

I didn't actually realise how long we'd been there until we got out and I had two missed calls from mum wondering where I was. She probably figured that I stayed at Elis last night then went to the race with him today but she knows that those things are always over before 5.

As we pull back onto my street I can see the rooftop of my house not far from where Josh pulls in on the corner. I'd be lying if I said I was in a hurry to leave Charlie's place, it was really amazing to just be able to be completely open with Josh like that.

They're a really nice couple too, they clearly care deeply about him. I could hear in their voices how heartbroken they were that another surrogate placement fell through for them, it sounds really fucking rough. Josh explained this isn't the first time and it truly made me realise how I've always seen being able to have kids as a given when it's not. It's not like that for everyone, even people who would make really amazing dad's like that pair.

Josh was the most relaxed I've seen him when in their company, and so was I. He didn't think twice about holding my hand or touching my leg while we were there. At one point Charlie insisted on showing us all his and Han's holiday photos from their latest trip away and we all settled on the couches to watch. Josh looped his hand around my waist so that we were pulled together, before I knew it my head was lent against his chest and he was leaving his lips imprinted on my crown as the images came up on screen.

It was something so small, something I've watched Steve do a hundred times with Brie and Jayce do almost my entire life with Lee, but I finally understand why those little things mean so much now.

For just a few hours, we got to be just like everybody else. A normal couple, hanging out at a mates house and not having to worry about any judgments or secrets. The perfect way to end my perfect time with him.

Except I don't actually want it to end. All the way here I've been trying to think of a reason for him too take me back to his instead of bringing me home, but we both know that right now this is all we can have.

"Brie is here." Josh comments as I look down the street and see her familiar bug parked just outside the gates to my house.

I nod. "Yeah, her and mum have been trying to get shit organised for the wedding but they are both so busy all the time that she just kind of randomly turns up here when she gets time. I'd better get in there and save May before she drags her into practising folding the napkins into swans again."

Josh laughs, but despite my words neither of us make any turn to leave. He doesn't want me to go as much as I don't want to leave him.

I look around quickly to see if there's anybody we know, but other than the regular curtain twitchers that stand tutting in their living room window every time a plastic bag rolls down the street, there's nobody. I reach over to cup Josh's cheek but he beats me to it, scooping his hand behind my neck and slamming our lips together.

We take in every part of each other that we can, I don't even tease for permission before putting my tongue straight in his mouth and savouring all the flavour of him I can absorb. It feels like Monday to Friday we have very little opportunity to actually see each other, I'm not sure I can wait until next weekend to see him again. No, I know I can't.

"Tomorrow?" I question as I pull away from the kiss just far enough to let the words leave my mouth. "Can I see you again tomorrow?"

He sighs deeply. "I can't tomorrow... I've got this thing in the day then I'm picking up Liam after."

Shit. "A thing?"

Josh seems to hesitate for a moment before touching my hand and bringing it up to his lips.

"I go for lunch at Harley's mums place once a month on Sundays. I'd cancel but I already had to cancel last month when Chrissy turned up on the door with Liam last minute. I can see-"

I place my lips onto his to cut him off before shaking my head. I don't want him to cancel that, it's clearly important to him.

"I'm meeting a client after work on Monday but I can see you Tuesday?"

Smiling, I nod before pulling his hand back to mine so I can mirror his action of leaving kisses on every part of his body that I can reach. I want him to feel me all over him until the moment I can see him again.

"Yeah, that works. I've got practise but can you get me straight after?"

I've got a game on Friday, a fucking big one, but I think I'll be pushing it to ask him to come to that as well.

God I don't want to ever stop fucking kissing him, touching him, having him near me. I have never felt this way with anybody I've ever dated but it's so fucking satisfying as well.

We both hear a familiar cackle and immediately rip apart as I look up the street to see Brie leaning against the bug having a conversation with May.

"Shit." I turn to the panic in Josh's voice, we're not ready for them to see us and I know that he needs to get the fuck out of here before this fucks everything up.

"It's okay. Just go home down over the other side and I'll keep them busy."

I attempt to open the door quietly but am torn away again as Josh grips hold of my chin and brings us back together in the most heated kiss we've shared all day. Josh likes to fight me for dominance but right now there is no fight at all, he's just taking it whether I like it or not... But I really fucking like it.

His hand lets go to hold my waist, whilst his other buries into my hair. It's like he's trying to get every kiss he wishes he could have with me for the next few days out in this single one.

"Josh, someone is going to see us." I pant as he finally lets me draw in much needed oxygen.

"Ten more seconds... Okay twenty..." He begs before pulling me back into him and using every single one of those fucking seconds to make sure that any blissful dream I have until I see him next stars this perfect man.

Mine. My fucking man.

Even as I step out of the car our hands are still connecting through the open doorway until we have no choice but to break free of each other as I stand up straight and glance down the street to make sure Brie still can't see us.

I can't bear to look at him as I walk away, my heart feels so fucking torn, I know I shouldn't be feeling this way yet but I don't want to be apart from him.

Throwing my overnight bag behind my shoulder, I feel the corner of the black box containing my star poking into the muscles that cover the blade.

May spots me coming first, she's still angry but there's also that pleading 'please come and save me from my sister' look in her eyes as I approach. I glance back quickly but see that Josh's car is still where I left it, What the fuck is taking him so long?

Then I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

'I'm in too'

My heart soars as I read the words that solidify exactly how I'm beginning to feel about that man. He's in, he's in on me too.

Brie gives me a nod as I make it to the gates, I look between the both of them to see that they are quite happily sucking away on some kids lollipops.

"Aren't you too a bit old for those?" I joke as May makes an attempt to step backwards towards me, we've pretty much got our play down now for when she needs to escape from her sister. I distract, she edges, we make up something about us needing to go, I agree, we bolt. Works every time.

"Heather wanted some sherbet but the guy wouldn't let me use my card unless I spent over $5 so we ended up with a shit load of popcorn and these things too. That girl's sherbet addiction is getting out of hand, she had so much white powder on her face yesterday she looked like a little cokehead."

I laugh as I look into the back seat of the bug and realised that Heather is passed out still clutching a bag of sherbet, with enough scattered around her lips that I know she'll have a headache coming down from that sugar rush later.

May glances over at my neck. I know no matter how mad she is at me, she still can't help smirking and wiggling her eyebrows as she looks at all the marks Josh left on it last night. I grin back at her before pulling the hood of my jacket, we Josh's jacket, up to mask the evidence before we both go inside.

"Don't forget next week we've got suit fittings mini Thompson, although if your arms keep growing like that maybe we should hold off until closer to the date. And-" Brie looks over and spots the overnight bag in my hand. "Where did you stay last night?"

May turns around like she's checking something at the house but I see her biting her lip to stop from smiling. She of all people knows where the fuck I was last night.

I try my best to avoid eye contact with Brie so she can't tell that I'm lying.

"Crashed at Elis." I always try to keep my answers short and sweet when hiding something from Brie, I've never understood why the FBI haven't snapped her up yet. If you'd given her half an hour, two cups of coffee and a car battery, she would have gotten the location of Bin Laden's cave fucking years before the military found it.

I dare to look back at her but see she's not looking at my face at all, instead focusing on the shirt I'm wearing. It's just a regular black one, there's no fucking way she knows it's Josh's... right? The hoodie is his too but I've already got ones similar to this... Oh shit.

"Cute shirt... Where did you get it?"

Don't look at her Milo. It's like swimming with sharks, you never look them in the fucking eye, you just punch them in the nose and get the fuck out of there.

"I.. don't remember?"

Why the fuck did I say it like a question? Now she is giving me that squinty eye fucking look that made me tell her the truth that time that she caught me watching porn when I was supposed to be finishing my biology homework.

"Mmmhmm.. I see."

Abandon ship! Abandon fucking ship Milo!

"Oh crap, I meant to tell you that your mum wanted to speak with you when you got home. Like immediately when you got home, we'd better go back inside." May shouts from behind me.

No matter how mad this girl is, she will always find a way to protect me.

May and Brie say their goodbyes but I can still feel that girl's eyes barrelling into my back as I run into the house. Mum and Dad are busy in the garden so I just get myself upstairs before they can wrangle me into whatever boring Saturday night plans they've probably already made.

That was fucking close... too close.

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